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these desktop rockets might be tiny, but they’reimpressively powerful, leave a cool trail of smoke, and shoot up to 40 feet away. surprisingly,they’re only powered by one single match head. in this project we’re using aluminumfoil and a box of matches, to make the ultimate in desktop weaponry. homemade, matchbox rockets. all we need to start this project is a boxof matches, aluminum foil and a wooden skewer. i’m using these green “strike on boxâ€matches, but the red ones will work just as well. ok it’s time to get to work, and thefirst thing we need to do is grab a few of these matches and set them to the side, becausewe’ll still need a bundle of those, for our kit when it’s finished. now amazingly,these rockets are only powered by one single
match head. but they only work, if we getrid of the stick first. of course that’s not much of a challenge as long as you havea pair of scissors. and if you try lining your container with something like a sock,the match heads won’t bounce out. instead they just collect conveniently at the are all the match heads i got from this box, and to store them, why don’t we tryusing one of these soda cap containers made in a previous project? these things have allkinds of applications, so look for for how to make them in another project video. alright,to start making our assembly kit we’re going to need a single bamboo skewer, and this templatewhich i’m going to give you for free. just look in the description for a link on whereto get that. transfer the marks from the diagram
onto the skewer, then carefully cut the endsoff, so when it’s modified, it looks like this. the next step is to tape the body templateto a piece of paperboard, like this one i got from a cereal box. make sure to cut theedges as cleanly as you can, because this is going to be our tracing template. the littlesquare i’m cutting out now is the guide for tracing the rocket’s fins. and for those,i use aluminum foil tape i got at the hardware store. each square will make one set of rocketfins, so cut as many as you want, then fold them “point to point†from both directions.pinch them at the base and push your fingers together, so that when you crease them downit looks like a little x-wing. when you snip off the point at the very tip, the rocketfins are ready for application, and by now
you should have an idea of how this is goingto work. now i made a whole bunch more and loaded them into the other side, of the sodacap container, so i have them on hand whenever i need one. ok, let’s bust out the aluminumfoil, and tear off a sheet to start creating the rocket bodies. i’m laying a sheet ofpaper towel overtop, then carefully folding the stack up 3 times, so it’s 4 layers deepand just a bit larger than the cardboard template. you probably figured out already that we’regoing to trace around the edges, then cut the shape out of all the layers, at the sametime. normally the edges would stick together after the foil’s been cut, but you can seethe paper towel solves that problem, and makes it super easy to separate. i tried making13 pieces at the same time, and it actually
worked, so you can see how quick and easyit is to make a whole stack in no time flat. and check this out, the assembly station iscompletely portable as well. i designed the patterns, and the template so they’d fitperfectly inside the matchbox, and you can see there’s a little place for the skewerin there as well. now to finish our rocket factory the only thing left to do is makea small hole in the top of the box, about half an inch from the end. now if we bringback any matches we saved from earlier, and add a candle, we’ve created a portable assemblystation, that you could take just about anywhere. alright, let’s get to work and build somerockets. here you can see what the finished rocket will look like. it’s light as a feather,but surprisingly stable in flight. you might
have noticed there are two markings on thetemplate that indicate how to roll the body tube. with the skewer in position, place asingle match head on top, and make sure it’s pointing upward, without any gaps. now slowlyand carefully roll the foil tube, as tightly and neatly as possible. when you get to theend, pinch the tube right above the match head, then push the foil down flat. thereshould be about half an inch of foil at the top, and this gets rolled toward the matchhead. the most important part here is crimping the tip with something like a pair of pilers.and you might want to crimp multiple times, and from different angles just to make sureit’s completely sealed. at this point, let’s attach the rocket fins we made earlier, bypeeling off the sticky stuff on the back,
then pushing the rocket body through the holein the center. just work the fins around until they stick firmly in place near the bottomof the rocket, and with that final step, you’re done. that’s how easy it is, to make a matchboxrocket. so while you’re at it, why not make a few more? i just made 13 of them, in about10 minutes, and you can see they fit perfectly into the kit as well. so now you have theoption of building rockets, on location, as you need them, or creating them all in advanceso you can just show up and start shooting within seconds. the rockets get loaded bypushing the tapered end of the skewer into the nozzle, then twisting upward until ittouches the match head inside. push the skewer through the hole in the matchbox, and nowif you push the box together, you can adjust
the launch angle to whatever you need it tobe. now if you light a candle and position the flame just under the tip of the rocket,it will quickly warm the foil until the match head reaches its auto-ignition temperature.which, you can see, shoots it off with an impressive amount, of speed and power. theserockets leave a satisfying trail of smoke when they blast off, but you do need to becareful because they get hot enough to burn your fingers, and put scorch marks in yourcarpet. now of course the safer option is to launch your rockets outdoors. but you’llprobably find the flame on the candle won’t hold still in the breeze. i use a wind resistantbbq ignitor to keep a steady flame, which you can see works pretty well. these rocketsshoot from the front porch all the way to
the street, and in some cases up to 40 feetaway. so it’s important to use common sense, and avoid the temptation to point them atpeople or property. well now you know how to turn a box of matches and some aluminumfoil, into a fully portable rocket factory, so you can manufacture and launch, your veryown matchbox rockets. that’s it for now. if you liked this project, perhaps you’lllike some of my others. check them out at man, i love playing with rockets. hey guysi’m really excited about this project. i’ve been playing with different prototypes formatchbox rockets for over a year. so i’m really excited, and proud, to finally be ableto present this design. i’m also excited
to give you the template i made, for can click right here to download the template right now, and if you try making some of these,i would love to see you post pictures on my facebook page at link for that’s in the description. before you go i just want to tell you i thinkyou are awesome. i read your comments and i watch to see if you like my videos, becauseit really means a lot to me when you do. please have fun with this project, be safe, and keepan eye out for my next project video. i’ll talk to you then.
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