How To Make Money On The Internet Right Now
how to earn money on the internet - my paying ads business strategy coming to you from baiting in china now today is the 64th november 2016 and i'm here to show you guys and keep you guys up today on such an amazing opportunity that has been helping me out every single day ever since i've arrived here in may and to be honest guys this is something you really want to get
yourself involved in so just sit back and watch this little video is going to tell you a little bit more about what this really is and how it has changed my life now before i show you my current progress in mpa i just want to quickly explain for those of you who don't quite know what my paying ads is all about so basically they are an advertising
company that provides a share of revenue to paying advertisers and they have various advertising options available but in order to benefit from making money with advertising you just simply purchase an ad pack and in return you get back a hundred and twenty percent of your writings or in other words you're getting a twenty percent profit for
every ad pack purchase so you know think of it like this i'm an online marketer who is in need of quality advertising in order to promote my website or business that i have to offer i decide to join a professional in very stable ride share company which offers multiple advertising services then from here i can then purchase advertising
that is suitable to my needs or i'm also able to greatly benefit from purchasing advertising and earning some revenue from the company so essentially i'm being paid to advertise my own stuff and this is really amazing i'm telling you right now this has changed my life drastically i've been able to buy two really amazing dogs i'm
living a laptop lifestyle was living abroad in china and it's all thanks to this company for helping me to achieve that lifestyle there's very few red shell companies like this that and take their business seriously and structured for long-term growth i'm not talking about months i'm talking
about you years and my paying ads have never missed a payment in over 18 months they pay out seven days a week and have currently paid out over 16 million dollars to advertisers which is just a crazy amount as you can imagine and one thing you should know is that my paying ads greatly improve its returning
customer rate so you know just like with any business a returning customer is far better than a one-time customer so that's one of the reasons why it's important to have a professional services that deliver and having an attractive awful service to support the greater game for the company and its members and my paying ads does exactly
that i honestly think that you love this so before you sign up and give it a try i want to show you my current progress from today right now ok guys so let's just get straight into this now what we call me looking at here is an overview from last week now usually i update my subscribers on a weekly basis and unfortunately a few
days of just kind of going ahead just because i'm kind of busy involved in different things and you know just trying to work out new strategies that we best for me for long-term so one currently and trying to focus on now is to take out a substantial amount of money to support myself in the long run but i'll discuss about that later on but
we're looking at right now is an overview from last week's from last wednesday which would be the the knife of november and what we commonly seen here is my current stats so right along here you can see a hundred to referrals so and like i've always said i really appreciate you guys for joining my team for being involved inside the system and
now you're starting to see as your companion your owings you started to see how great this system really is and beneficial can be for you in the long run and you notice you choose potential witness so honestly this is something and you definitely want to get yourself involved in and just quickly if you have any questions
so don't hesitate to ask me on youtube don't hesitate to add me on facebook and ask me some questions on there always say i'm pretty reliable you know you can always on to me any questions at all and and if it's too difficult to answer and you know maybe not too sure about whatever then i will make a video or something personally for
you so that you can see and will basically get the answers that you're looking for as well if it hasn't already been done but you know pretty much and we can just go through some discussions like happen with other people and now they've got themselves involved as well so this is something you know that is not necessarily and difficult to to get
involved with that there may be a few things that you definitely have questions about so i'll be more than happy to answer those questions for you now what we can see along here is these active outbacks along here so now at that time i was a 505 active at pax and they do expire over a period of time but the game from this is and you get back a
hundred twenty percent right so you're looking at roughly about twenty percent profit on each of the ad packs so it's always a bonus for compounding inside the system because the more you compound the more you re buying and the more that you're eventually earning and then we can take those out and start building a safety withdrawal limit which is what
i've been able to do as well now just check this out guys my ad pack earnings from this system 20 5559 dollars this is a crazy crazy amount of money but every time every single day every single pretty much our this number just keeps going up and up and up and that's because i've been able to compound my
earnings and bill consistency and not taking out a substantial amount of money at that time as well so i've been out to let the account billed and i've also been gaining from the air packs and something really amazing and i'll show you guys inside about my current results as of today right now so let's just going to take a quick look
and i'm inside the back end of the system here and you can see i've gotten quite high balance along you've got about a hundred sixty eight dollars a bitcoin and what i'm going to do and i'll just explain this for you guys what i'm going to start doing is i'm taking out two hundred dollars per day as of right now so i'm taking our
substantial amount of money to support myself in the long run now i'm involved in different things and i'm going to be putting my money into a different things so that i don't necessarily need to worry so much about withdrawing necessarily small amounts so for example i'm going to be taking out a substantial amount so that i can basically have a
total investment in a different company that this this for red shares is not an investment but for what else i'm involved in is an investment and it's you know i can roughly make about two thousand dollars a month just from that alone so i'm building that account so i have a a a pretty good withdrawal from that system and then i can focus on a
hundred percent compounding my earnings now what we can see right along here is a hundred and fifteen reforms so again i want to thank you guys for joining and especially for the action takers as well always appreciate the action takers and not necessarily for my benefit but i mean for your benefit in the long run as well because i'll definitely be helping
you guys out once i have maxed out this system and when i say max out i mean two hundred dollars per day which is the maximum inside my paying ads as of now so honestly in all in all this is something that we're gonna make this successful together you know everyone's got different income goes you know those people who want to make ten dollars a
day 25 thousand fifty dollars and dollars day a day but we will get there and i'll definitely be there to help you guys out for those of you who are on my team as well so you know all in all this is something like i keep saying and if you haven't got yourself involved in yet don't hesitate to ask any questions and get
stuck in and start joining and start buying your active at pax now and then you'll start seeing the real potential that this really has now you can see here my active at pax have gone down so 493 active at pax now the reason that is the part of the reason that is is because i'm my old ad packs have started to expire but also and i've been buying
and i've been withdrawing a the maximum amount of the moment because like i said i'm taking out substantial amount of money and then i will and stop in that money back in from support of everything else that i'm involved in later on but right now i just want to focus on earning a reasonable amount outside the system and then i can focus on a hundred
percent compounding inside the system so this is going to gradually increase and you know get back up to 500 never get it up to a thousand very easily because once you're in this position and you start ironing and you start compounding inside the system you know it makes a massive difference you know when you're compounding inside
the system maybe it's like 300-400 dollars a day inside the system and it just keeps building and building and building every time just gets higher and you can see that from these active and packed earnings right here to look at is 20 7559 dollars now you can see this is a substantial amount of money this is a crazy crazy amount and like i said
before this is something that just keeps building on a daily basis on weekly basis every single time these ad packs and are running and generating your active and your ad pack earnings just keep on growing so my original see money that i put in the system and was somewhere around six six and a half thousand something like that originally
to start with but you can see how much is it generated from that as well and it's so powerful so regardless of whatever you start with you know whether you've got fifty dollars a hundred dollars maybe a few hundred dollars or 4,000 you know call pound your earnings inside the system so when your balance gets to five dollars
purchase another i pack when he gets to ten dollars purchase another ipad you don't keep working your way up in those levels and eventually you'll start to see how consistent the the earnings are for you on a daily basis but also you'll be able to withdraw a consistent withdrawal and on a daily basis as well as a safety withdrawal limits so that
you can grow your account and that you can also remain consistent without losing your active at pax as well so honestly this is something it's just really really helpful in many different ways it's not necessarily all about the money it's not about making money every single day it's also about helping you in
situations that you might really need so maybe its financial situations you know paying the bills or you want to buy something or maybe your family needs there or maybe it's just money extra money to have on the side you know but honestly when you start building this account you're going to really appreciate how beneficial this is for
you long-term so i've been helping with this company for quite some time but i'm compounding in the site in the system and because its longtime the longevity is huge in this system and in my paying ads you know this is something you definitely want to get yourself involved in like pretty much right now so you
know just before christmas or whatever the case might be you just get yourself involved in right now you really going to see the benefits come sort of early next year or anything like that and honestly you probably end up thank me for it anyway i am very supportive and if you guys have got you have had to do videos and for some of
you on my team before as well but if you guys have got any questions at all don't hesitate to add me on facebook and don't hesitate to ask me and i say add me but i mean don't hesitate to ask me any questions on youtube as well and one last thing before we go one thing i just want to show you guys is my withdrawals on his just so you're not talking bs or
and like that what i'm going to do i'm going to just get fries very quickly actually this is the withdrawal so i'm just going to go to my withdrawal history so you guys can see and one comedy doing at the moment so as we can see right along here the last 30 days which always have been 2075 dollars and
today i've made another withdrawal out what was actually referring to yesterday but and i've made a withdrawal $200 so if we just scroll down along here you can see november 5200 dollars and remember 14 $200 along here and you can see on the right side all of these payments dun-dun-dun-dun and i have been taken out and probably a lot more money
withdrawal limit is about forty dollars but like i'm saying now i'm taking out a myself and was being here in china and to support other neat where i don't really need to worry about that money anymore and then i can just focus on building the business and building a hundred percent compounding inside the system until i get to a hundred dollars
per day and eventually two hundred dollars per day as well so i am taking a step back but is going to be a massive beneficial game for me in the long run and that's what i'm focusing on and so honestly guys if you've got any questions at all don't hesitate to ask me say awesome and i've got this little video for you guys if you are interested
in joining my team and just sit back and watch this video i look forward you guys being a part of my team ok so the best way for you to join will be too once you finish watching one of my videos what you're going to want to do it just to come down here and where it says join with me here i'm going to give you a direct link if you click on
show more i'm also going to give you another link to my facebook so if you guys have got any questions or you know you just want to reach out to me or anything like that don't hesitate to contact me on facebook as well but for now we're just going to click on this link here and right now it's going to take me to the homepage ok
so the very first thing you're going to want to do is on the top right hand corner it says sign up so once we click on this it is now going to take me to the registration page now this is crucial the very first thing you're going to want to check is that the sponsor says steve in china ok if it doesn't if it says someone else's name
or it has npa admin which is a default what you need to do is to click on change and then simply type in steve in china and then you can change it from there this is crucial because a lot of people have been signing up under mpa admin and they can't change it once you've registered so you know it's very
important that you make sure it says stephen china before because once you guys are on my team you know i'm going to be helping you every step of the way and once i've max out the system i'm going to be sharing some of my commissions with you guys as well so you know it's just i help you progress and develop in my paying ads as we go along
ok so just make sure that says stephen china and then we're all good now the next lot of fields you need to figure out which is very basic like your names email username and your password ok so at once everything is filled up from here agree to the terms and conditions and then register then you're going to get go through the normal
process email confirmation start from someone and so forth and once you've done that and we need to go back to the homepage and to login ok so let me just said the captcha code in here login now every time you log in you're always going to see a login out these are very very popular and i was going to
pay for one but then i didn't realize is booked until maybe free months you know ahead so people are paying for these that pain maybe two hundred dollars a time for their login ads so you know they're very very popular so we're just going to wait for this to just for this video loads i'm just gonna wait for this time it's a
countdown ok so right now you you're right your dashboard along here i mean you can it might be a little bit overwhelming to begin with but the very first thing you're going to want to do is again just check my sponsor says stephen china along here and then it has it will give you my email address as well as if you
need to contact me through email by all means contact me free there but like i said before contact me on facebook because i'll be more than happy to assist you on there as well now the very first thing you're going to want to do on your left hand side you're going to want to select finance sorry i account activity and then click on
profile now you can fill out some basic information here like your name i mean your name is essential anyway but the very most important thing is your payment processor ok so what you're going to want to do you can select from peazer solid trust pay perfect money coin payments and to pay for you
paypal is a temporary payment processor because when the funds were frozen before and they had to shift over the payments from paypal so we no longer use paypal because it's just honestly it's just a headache and no override show uses paper anymore because i just you know they're very wishy-washy and we don't necessarily want that in a
business anyways so i mean personally i'm using bitcoin i think bitcoin to win win and i think maybe probably the other firm popular payment processors will be paisa and solid trust pay so by all means select one of these set these up and make sure that your preferred payment processor is also selected ok so once that has been selected and you've
you've made the payment processor secure to yours you can just go through and out any other information if you need to personally i haven't done so but what you can do after that is and move on to purchase an ad pack and then it would take you for the state so once you purchase an ipaq you can just let me just bring you along here so it's
basically gonna explain the plan so you've got your plan one you plan to and the credits that you can learn from your advertising as well ok so once once you've done that you need to set up a new banner ad so before you can buy an ad pack and you're going to want to set up some balance okay so you can have a maximum of ten along here
so once you set these up and what you're going to want to do is and buy an ad pack don't want to add clicks you want to buy an ad pack because that ensures that you have revenue share earnings and when when you've earned your initial hundred percent so basically each outback that we purchase we get back a hundred and twenty percent so what you
want to do is select them by adpacks i'll just give you a quick example here and then we can select the purchase so on my plan force which is a fifty-dollar outback and then you'll go through some banners up along here and then is pretty much simple from there i mean you select your payment processor it would take you through how to pay for that and then it
would just go from there to be honest so you know by all means if you've got any questions don't hesitate to ask me on facebook this is honestly guys this is very simple and you're going to enjoy this so much so like i've said before is much better to get started sooner rather than later so until then stay awesome and i'll talk to
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