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[audio length: 0:16:10]recording commences: evan carmichael:he's an american businessman, investor, self-help author, motivational speaker andradio personality. he's the founder of the rich dad company. he has an estimated networth of $80 million. he's robert kiyosaki, and here are his top ten rules for success. robert kiyosaki:the last thing i want to talk about, debt, is one of the best investments i've made becausei started off with no money, like most people. my first investment, was a little $18,000condo in hawaii, and i made a whopping $25 a month. i didn't make much money on thatdeal, but every time i did an investment,

be it real estate or business, i got smarterbecause experience makes you smarter. i started with just a little $18,000 unit.i broke out my credit card. i paid the $2,000 down payment with my credit card, so it was100% financed. now, most experts will tell you, "that's stupid. you don't do that",but if you know what you're doing, you can do it.a number of years ago, i bought a $7 million commercial building. i paid for it with zerodown. every month, after everything is paid for, it puts about $30,000 a month incomein my pocket, or $360,000 a year for no money down. there is a price of having a good educationor a bad education. a good education is knowing the good debt versus bad debt and how debtorscan win, if you know what you're doing.

i don't know what the heck people think aboutmoney, but that's what i get a lot of, is this, well, money is not spiritual.i'm just saying it's your attitudes, a person's attitude towards money. i make a lot of money,but i give a lot. you know what i mean? male speaker:through philanthropy. robert kiyosaki:it goes to biblical principle. the more you give, the more you receive. when i meet somebodywho doesn't have any money, it just means that they're not giving something.male speaker: yes.robert kiyosaki: a lot of times, there are people who wouldlike more, but they're not giving anything.

male speaker:yes. robert kiyosaki:they're like my poor dad. he belonged to the labor unions, and he wanted to work less andget paid more. that's anti-religious to me. if you want to get paid more, work more, givemore. that's how i see it. the discipline i had to get into was i waspaying myself first, even when i had no money, and when i have all these bill collectorscalling me, i use them as inspiration. [laughter] you know what i mean?oprah: really?robert kiyosaki: when the government's hounding you, the billcollectors are calling... because i've been

broke, so i can understand what it feels liketo be broke. when those guys are calling you, instead of shrinking, going into the shelland eating my pizza oprah:yes. robert kiyosaki:i use it as motivation to go out and make more money. i used my bill collectors as motivation,and that's why i paid myself first, even though, sometimes, i wasn't paying oprah: what would you pay yourself?robert kiyosaki: i always bought assets. i'd buy a house, ori'd put money in the bank, this like this, but it was just a habit. it's exactly whatyou're talking about. it's up here.

oprah:it's about changing the way you think. that's what the whole book is about.robert kiyosaki: that's it because we are our biggest asset.we are also our biggest liability. the common wisdom, the old intelligence ideais to diversify. what i believe in is something else; it's increase your financial iq, yourfinancial intelligence and, instead, focus. what focus stands for is this; focus is followone course until you're successful. that's what i did in 1973. i signed up for my firstreal investment course, and i just did it and did it and did it. i bought this one little$18,000 place, and i did it, again. i did it, again, and i did it, again, until thepoint where i understood it. then i went into

becoming an entrepreneur. i did it, and idid it and did it. i'm still learning, and i'm still learning about real estate.in 1966, i got into oil, when i went to work for the standard oil company. today, i'm stillfocusing. i invest in oil and oil and oil, and i don't diversify. it doesn't mean i don'tlose. sometimes i lose. sometimes i make mistakes and all this, but i just don't buy good iswith all the bad. if you're going to be successful as an investor, diversification is good forthe average investor. if that's what you want to be, have a good life. what i'd rather dois be able to know the good ones from the bad ones, the good investments from the badinvestments, the good advisors from the bad advisors, what's good for me and what's notgood for you because what i do is not necessarily

what's going to work for you, and vice versahere. that's why i really think, instead of diversification or diversify, the new rulesof money say follow one course until you're successful, and then keep doing it becauseonce you find the way of being successful, you can do it again and again and again.the thing is, you see, economies go up; economies go down. we might go into a depression, worldwide.like i said, france is in very big trouble. germany is okay. england is in big trouble.china is in trouble. if we go with that, we go into worldwide depression, and it mighttake 10 years to come out of it. during these times is the best time. i have made more moneyin the last three years than ever before in my life. i bought five golf courses last yearon a bank

male speaker:that's impressive. robert kiyosaki:yes. well, the bank male speaker:five golf courses. robert kiyosaki:yes, and donald bought 10. they're giving them away.male speaker: [laughter] no one told me.robert kiyosaki: yes, but you have to know how to operate them.male speaker: you have to be an entrepreneur.male speaker: yes.

robert kiyosaki:the banks just call you up, and they say... there was this one. it was five. it was fivegolf courses and one hotel. male speaker:in the states? robert kiyosaki:in arizona, yes, golf mecca. robert kiyosaki:this japanese company had it, and they asked me if i wanted to buy it, about five yearsago, for 260 million. i said, "it doesn't make sense. it doesn't make sense at 260 million."they told me i didn't know what i was doing, this and that. "okay, bye." then, oneyear ago, the summer, citibank called up and says, "you want those golf courses?" theygave me the money to buy them.

just to reiterate, in approximately 1975,i came out with this product. we're extremely successful, but we kept running out of money.the more successful we got, the more we ran out of money. that's when i went to my richdad, and i tried to borrow $100,000. he chewed me out. he says, "why would i invest ina dumb product when you have a bad business?" that's when he began to teach me the nextlevel of my entrepreneurial education. it's not about the product. it's about howto design a business that doesn't need me to keep raising the capital. in other words,how do you design a business that keeps raising money automatically? today, the rich dad companyis cash rich. cash keeps pouring in because the ability to raise money constantly wasdesigned into the business.

once again, this is the diagram. this is theb-i triangle. these are the eight pieces that make up a business. when a business is hurting,oftentimes, it's because one of these eight pieces is missing. for example, many times,people say, "i have a great product," but their legal is really bad. or their communicationsystems are bad, or their internal order processing is bad. or the manufacturing is bad, or themarketing is bad. or they have bad cash flow management.another part of your financial iq is to know there are three types of income. if you'regoing to, say, work hard, most people are working hard for earned income, and that'swhat these guys are working for. the trouble with earned income in america, your tax rateis approximately 50%. or, as warren buffet

says, it's a shame that his secretary paysa higher percentage in taxes than he did, although he makes billions of dollars. whenyou say to a child, "go to school and get a safe, secure job," you're telling themto work for earned income, the worst type of income.the second type of income is portfolio income, and today, as i speak, i'm going to try andchange this. it's about 20%, and portfolio income is generally known as capital gain.if i buy a stock for $10 and i sell it for $50, the $40 is taxed 20%. or if i buy a housefor 100,000 and i sell it for 200,000, that's a capital gains-type event, so you'd pay alower tax for that. the third type of income, which is the besttype of income, excuse me, i can't spell,

again, is passive income. this is incomethat just comes in on a regular basis. one of the reasons i am wealthy and was able toretire at a young age is because i worked hard for passive income, not earned income.i don't flip real estate, generally. not portfolio income; i don't flip stocks. i want passiveincome. today, the new rules of money, it's importantto understand what are you going to school to become; e, s, entrepreneur or investor.what kind of income are you working hard for; earned, portfolio or passive? if you knowwhat you're doing, you can pay 0% taxes legally, and this be done all over the world. peopleare saying, "you can't do it in my country." well, these people can't do it in any country,but in most parts of the world, governments

need these people. they're always giving taxincentives for investors and business owners who are for passive income. those are someof the new rules of money. it's really know what you're working hard at and what kindof work are you performing, what kind of income are you working hard for.well, most successful entrepreneurs have gone bust. henry ford, an old-time entrepreneur,he went bust five times. look at steve jobs. robert kiyosaki:his own board fired him. robert kiyosaki:bill gates was taken before the supreme court for monopolistic practices.male speaker: right.robert kiyosaki:

even my friend, donald trump, went down abillion dollars. robert kiyosaki:i only went down a million. the average person is so afraid of those losses they never getahead because at school, they teach you if you make a mistake or if you fail, you'rea failure. that's not real life. a baby learns to walk by standing up and falling down, standingup and falling down. our school system punishes you for making mistakes. that's why my poordad, an academic, was so unsuccessful. he was terrified of making mistakes.the key to raising money... this is ken mcelroy's company. it's called mc companies. ken mcelroy'sbusiness is in the business of acquiring assets. that's why his company gets richer and richerand richer. every year he adds, probably,

1,000 new apartment units to his inventory,so ken's company gets richer and richer because mc company is designed to increase assets.poorly-designed businesses never have any assets. they have huge liabilities. i trustthat makes sense to you. ken mcelroy's business gets stronger and strongerand stronger because, every year, he's increasing in more assets. the rich dad company getsstronger and stronger and stronger because, every year, we add more assets. this year,we're adding franchising to our mix. also, rich brother rich sister, the book, has comeout. we come out with the real book of real estate, et cetera, et cetera. everyone, onthose products, every year, continues to send money into our product. that's an idea ofa well-designed business, if you have a well-designed

business. i don't care if it's for real estateor making cash flow board games; if it's well-designed, investors will give money to you because "thisis a well-designed business." i think the big mistake is i hear so manypeople say it's important to save. that's ridiculous, and the reason that's ridiculousis because what happened in 1971 is crucial. in 1971, the u.s. dollar stopped being money.in 1971, the u.s. dollar became a currency. what that meant is richard nixon, in 1971,the president, took us off the gold standard. that's like giving an alcoholic free reignto the bar, or it's like giving somebody who can't control their spending unlimited creditcards. what's happening is all the savers, today, are losers.the problem with 1971 is that the federal

government keeps printing money, so the valueof your money keeps going down. these people, "i'm saving, saving, saving." if you notice,as the value of the dollar goes down, prices go up. they call this inflation. you lookat it. in 1997, oil was about, i think, $10 a barrel. ten years later, it's about $135a barrel. let's say it's inflation, but really, what it is is the dollar's value coming down.savers are getting wiped out today. to keep saying to yourself and to your kids to savemoney, that is not the new rule. that's an old rule.a very big problem for most people is stop using the word "save" and use the word"hedge." you've got to hedge your money, hedge against losses. when i buy a stock,i put a hedge in. i put a stop-loss or a put

inside of it, or a call. whatever i'm doing,i want to stop it. today, i won't save money. i'm hedging.in 1997, i started investing in oil, gold and silver, so as a dollar a drop, oil, goldand silver went up. i'm not betting so much on oil, gold and silver. i'm betting againstthe u.s. dollar. that's why this idea that you're going to tell people, "you need tosave money," that's really, really an obsolete idea because the idea went obsolete in 1971.the u.s. dollar, in the last few years, has lost almost 80% of its purchasing power. theprediction is, because this has happened throughout history... it happened thousands of yearsago, with the romans, with the greeks, with the germans, with the english, the japaneseand the chinese. every time they've made money

into a currency, something you could print,unlimited, every time that has happened, the currency has gone to its true value, whichis zero. i am afraid, as this economic volatility continues,the savers who are operating by the old rules of money are just going to get wiped out becausethe purchasing power of their dollar is going to go down. even with the bank paying you5% to 10% interest, you can't keep up with the banks printing money. that's the old ruleof money, is saving money. the new rule is hedge. you've got to be able to see what'scoming up as something else is coming down. evan carmichael:thank you so much for watching. i made this video because thebthong [ph] asked me to.if there is a famous entrepreneur that you

want me to profile next, leave it in the commentsbelow, and i'll see what i can do. i'd also love to know which of robert kiyosaki's top10 rules had the biggest impact on you. leave it in the comments, and i'm going to joinin the discussion. thank you so much for watching. continue to believe, and i'll see you soon. end of recording


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