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(bill): the world is too small, our wisdom toolimited and our time here too short to waste any more of it in winning fleeting victoriesat other people's expense (reporter): the clinton global initiativewhich brings philanthropists and ceo̢۪s together with nonprofits to make concrete commitments aimed at some of theworld̢۪s most toughest problems, almost ten years in they have leveraged millions of dollarsin assistance in over 180 countries (bill): cgi was designed to tackle big globalchallenges in bite sized pieces with the conviction that, regardless of size or scope our problemswill yield to concerted action and innovative
partnerships of individuals, ngo̢۪s, businessesand governments. we have to now find a way to triumph together (hillary): all the problemsthat we face from climate change to financial contagion, to nuclear proliferation are toocomplex and crosscutting for any one government, or indeed for governments to solve alone. webelieve that ending hunger is not only possible but it is both a moral and strategic imperative (reporter): hillary clinton is trying to shiftthe spotlight to global warming, the presidential contender unveiling her plans to combat climatechange (bill): together with innovative partnersfrom
the public and private sectors we̢۪re workingto make homes, universities and cities more energy efficient (hillary): we share a common future and weare here to find common ground, women must be empowered. (reporter): it̢۪s classic bill clinton, byusing his birthday to help causes he champions, from combatting climate change, to obesity andeven hiv (hillary): help bring new dignity and respect, towomen and girls all over the world and in so doing, bring new strength and stabilityto families as well.
(bill): we are trying to do something no onehas ever done before. (reporter): a new report today claims thatthe clinton foundation gives about 10% of its money that it raises to actual charities and the servicesthat they offer. it has been reported that you make 5 millionmaking speeches the president made more than 100 million dollars? (hillary): well, if if you *stuttering*you have no reason to remember but we came out of the white house not only dead broke,but in debt
(reporter): six years ago clinton was aboutto become secretary of state barack obama had nominated her, everyone knewshe was going to be confirmed by the senate gonna be confirmed, easily, but, there wasa thought, there was a question, there was a doubt out there about a potential conflictof interest. the clinton foundation dropping its self imposedban on collecting funds from foreign governments and entities and now the washington post reports totalcontributions to that foundation amount to 2 billion dollars. there's a lot of money sloshing around andeverything is blurred and it's not good.
the questions scream out at me, what in theworld happened with the foundation and these ulterior motives and this money and the emailserver, i'm sorry, those scream out at me. the amount of schmoozing involved and crossinglines and one person putting money in a foundation and then clinton getting unbelievable amountsfor speeches, contracts going one way or another, it's not good (hillary): i look forward to working withall of you. particularly the appropriators. uh, we have a lot of work to do and it issuch important, uh, work that lies ahead. (bill): we did this with a very simple strategy.
(schweizer): africa is a continent that hasbeen a chamber of horrors for decades. it's really not the fault of the african people. it's largely a result of the kind of systemthat's been perpetuated there. you have these oligarchs which dominate thesecountries that often times have natural resources that could be very lucrative and these oligarchsstrike deals with foreign corporations or foreign governments who in effect prop themup and put them in power and in exchange, these rich oligarchs give them access to richmineral deposits and the clintons, you would expect to be opposed to this sort of thingand that's at least what their language does. (hillary): our countries have deepened ourcooperation on many issues including good
governance and transparency, energy, regionalsecurity and advancing peace and development in the niger delta. (schweizer): the problem is, their words aredifferent from their actions (reporter): rwanda has really taken an impressive projectorof development and the people here still think kagame's the man to take them to another level. president paul kagame has walked all aroundthe crowd thanking the people for electing him unopposed as chairman of the rpf for presidentof the rpf for another seven year term. critics say he's far from changing democracyin rwanda, he's actually eroding it. (schweizer): paul kagame has been praisedby bill clinton and the clinton foundation.
but the fact of the matter is, paul kagamehas a terrible human rights record. he's accused of aiding military operationsin the neighboring democratic republic of congo and that actually forced the recruitmentof child soldiers. the un has identified him as being involvedin activities that entailed massive human rights violations. (reporter): opposition parties that have beenformed in the last year or two have 1 by 1 been silenced or otherwise excluded from therace and individuals who aren't even politicians, but even journalists for example and otherrwandans who may have different views from kagame have found themselves at the receivingend of what has become quite a violent campaign
of intimidation. (schweizer): well paul kagame is a friendof bill clinton's. (bill): i want to say a special word of appreciation,for the leadership of president kagame. (kagame): i'm greatly humbled to receive thisclinton global citizen award. (schweizer): he's actually been given awardsby bill clinton, for his conduct as the leader of that country and they regale him as a greatmilitary leader. this is the sort of legitimization that wedon't want of these kind of dictators or leaders, that's the kinds of legitimization that theclinton's have engaged in and they've done it in a way that creates commercial opportunitiesfor donors and friends and allies who want
to do business in africa. business in africa means you are dealing withdictators who are going to give you access to say mineral rights or oil drilling rights,but you're going to have to pay them off. the clintons partner with foreign entitieswho want access to africa and specifically mining companies or energy companies who needto get concessions for access to oil or natural gas or the rights to mine for gold. those two make a powerful alliance becausethese companies will give money to the clintons, either in the form of speaking fees, or inthe form of donations to the clinton foundation. and the clintons will then in effect do theirbidding before the halls of power and corridors
of power in africa and they will go to foreigngovernments and encourage them to do business with individuals who are putting money intheir pockets and this leads to some amazing fits of behavior that in a way are just reminiscentof 19th century colonialism. a perfect example of this is ambassador joewilson, joe wilson is a long time friend of the clintons, in fact he endorsed hillaryclinton in the 2008 presidential election and it was also thought that he might becomea senior official in hillary clinton's state department, but the fact of the matter isjoe wilson was up to something far more nefarious during hillary clinton's tenure as secretaryof state. in 2009, shortly after she became secretaryof state, when wilson was the vice chairman
of a company called jarch capital, they tookout a 50 year lease on 4,000 hectares in south sudan, south sudan was in the middle of acivil war and this lease was actually signed with warlords who were involved in the civilwar. these individuals who were engaged in massivehuman rights violations including the massacre of opponent tribes and basically what joewilson was engaged in was something called investing in sovereignty changes, they werebasically cutting deals, lucrative deals worth potentially hundreds of millions of dollars,with these warlords and the expectation was simple, these warlords would take power, thenthey would give them access to these lands, where they could make huge amounts of money,exploring for natural gas, exploring for oil
and for mineral rights. ambassador joe wilson isn't the only clintonfriend and foundation donor who was working in war torn countries, swedish mining investorlukas lundin has pledged 100 million dollars to the clinton foundation. he did that in 2007 and his most lucrativemining operations are in the war torn country of the democratic republic of congo. this is a country that perhaps has the mosthorrific human rights situation on the face of the earth. by the time lukas lundin made his 100 milliondollar pledge to the clinton foundation, his
congo operation was making, quote, staggeringprofits, end quote, according to his financial statements. his overall capitalization was 20 billiondollars, but for those profits to remain staggering, us policy under hillary clinton had to remainunchanged, that's a problem, hillary clinton as a senator back in 2006 supported somethingcalled the congo relief security and democracy promotion act. as the laws name implied, the goal was tobring reform to congo, that's not something that lukas lundin would want, so in 2009,when hillary became secretary of state, she reversed course 180 degrees and went fromsupporting reform in congo, to supporting
the status quo, which is exactly what lukaslundin would want, who of course had committed 100 million dollars to the clinton foundation. but congo isn't the only scandal plagued countrywhere clinton benefactors have made millions. (reporter): africa's most populous nationnigeria is full of promise, but fulfilling that promise is sometimes a struggle. the resource rich country has a poverty rateof over 50%. (schweizer): look at a country like nigeria,which is really a cesspool of corruption, in fact people will say it is perhaps themost corrupt country in the world. it's rich in natural resources, it producesa lot of oil, but that money never trickles
down to the people, it goes to the oligarchswho run the country, who often times take that money and put it in swiss bank accounts,in a way that of course the people of nigeria can never benefit from. and you see, there's a federal law in theunited states which says, if foreign governments that receive us assistance aren't transparent,in how they spend that money, that they will not be able to get us foreign assistance anymore. it's about transparency, but there's a wayaround that law, you can get a waiver from that law. how?
by getting the us secretary of state to grantyou a waiver. (clinton): uh, we intend to remain very supportiveon your reform efforts, uh, thank you for mentioning, uh, the work we did together onthe elections, we're also very supportive of, uh, the uh, anti corruption, uh, uh, reformefforts, more transparency in the work that, uh, you and, and your team is also championing,because we really believe that, uh, uh, the future for uh, nigeria, is limitless. (schweizer): so in the case of nigeria, theyreceive hundreds of millions of dollars in us foreign assistance, they've not made progressin being more transparent and of course, they've gotten exemptions from hillary clinton whileshe was secretary of state.
what's so curious about this, is what washappening commercially with the clintons while this was going on. bill clinton for the first time ever, getspaid highly lucrative speeches in nigeria, which had never happened before, in fact hegets paid to do 2 speeches for $700,000 a piece, by a businessman in nigeria who justhappens to be close with the president of that country. keep in mind by the way, that his normal speakingfee, is less than $200,000 a speech, so this was an enormous payday for bill clinton. (bill): okay now we'll begin the panel
(schweizer): one of the pinnacles of powerin that country, is a gentleman named gilbert chagoury. gilbert chagoury, who's committed 1 billiondollars to the clinton global initiative, is connected to another individual in theclinton orbit, that would be marc rich, the billionaire who was on the fbi's ten mostwanted list, that was suddenly and surprisingly pardoned by bill clinton in 2001. marc rich, you might recall, is somebody whowas trading oil with the ayatollah khomeini of iran as the same time that the ayatollahwas holding 50 americans hostage. he also had a long history of busing un sanctionsby trading oil with the apartheid regime in
south africa and a whole host of other nefariousgovernments. well gilbert chagoury the high clinton donorwas business partners with marc rich. together they sopped up oil assets in nigeriaand sold them on the oil market for the benefit of a corrupt individual who was leading nigeriaat the time, named general abacha. abacha smuggled by some estimates 4-8 billiondollars out of the country and put them in european bank accounts. gilbert chagoury was indicted and convictedin europe for helping him to do that. he was charged for aiding and abetting a criminalenterprise and on money laundering charges. and the suffering that ends up being donehere, is by the people of nigeria, who see
their leadership getting a pass from the unitedstates, the elites in those countries are getting rich, the clintons are getting richand the money somehow never trickles down to the people of nigeria. sadly, this theme of resources not tricklingdown to those most in need, is a common one when it comes to the clintons. (reporter): as we told you at the start oftonight's program a major magnitude earthquake has hit the island of haiti in the caribbean. the quake measured around 7 points on therichter scale and it's epicenter fell just ten miles from the capital port-as-prince.
haiti's ambassador to the us described theevent as a catastrophe of major proportions. so far we have no information regarding thecasualties. (woman): the world is coming to an end! it was a big earthquake, it lasted like 60seconds i think. (schweizer): probably the most devastatinghumanitarian crisis that hillary clinton faced during her tenure at the state department,was the tragic earthquake in haiti. it happened in january of 2010 and literallyin a matter of seconds 250,000 people were estimated to have died and a large portionof the haitian infrastructure and economy was just decimated.
it was a crisis on a massive scale. (hillary): the united states is offering ourfull assistance to haiti and to others in the region, uh we will be providing both civilianand military disaster relief and humanitarian assistance and our prayers are with the peoplewho have suffered, uh their families, uh and their loved ones. (schweizer): in the days and weeks that followedthe earthquake in january of 2010, hillary clinton made visits to haiti. (reporter): and here's the latest on haiti,secretary of state hillary clinton arrived in port-au-prince just about an hour ago,she is the highest ranking us official in
haiti right now, since tuesday's earthquake,she's meeting with haitian leaders and international officials, to discuss the rescue and reliefeffort. (schweizer): in fact on her first visit, whichoccurred days after the earthquake, they literally had to stop traffic going in to the airportat port-au-prince. there of course were relief supplies thatwere being flown in, but that traffic was stopped, so the secretary of state could comeand assess the damage. (reporter): there is a perception and therehave been complaints or reports of bottlenecks that there's a lot of aid coming in but it'svery hard to get it out for people who need it.
(hillary): that's just not true, the aid iscoming in, we're getting it out, there's just not enough of it, yet. (schweizer): she flew in, with her politicalaides on a large federal airplane, she landed at the airport, she made a large press conference,made statements about her commitment to rebuilding this country and then she was soon whiskedaway, headed back to washington d.c. (reporter): this is a city of ruins, a countrywhich could do little but wait for help to arrive. (schweizer): the international community respondedin a way that you would expect it to, that is large amounts of money were committed,up to 13 billion dollars from international
relief organizations. and of course you had the official role ofthe state department, which would be point on us tax dollars going to haiti, for thepurposes of relief. (hillary): i want to assure the people ofhaiti, that the united states, is a friend, a partner and a supporter. (schweizer): hillary clinton's state departmentwould oversee the reconstruction effort, with chief of staff cheryl mills responsible forthe allocation of us tax dollars through usaid and bill clinton already appointed specialenvoy to haiti for the united nations, was named co-chair of the interim haiti recoverycommission, along with a former haitian prime
minister. (bill): i hope that it will be rebuilt ina much stronger, more sustainable way, i think the haitians want that. (schweizer): so this was clearly a clintonoperation from the beginning. now, the haitians had their own ideas abouthow best to rebuild their country. they wanted new roads, they wanted buildingsrebuilt and that's what you would expect, this is how you recover from an earthquake. the problem is that the clintons had theirown agenda, the interest of major donors who had a vested interest in spending that moneyin haiti in ways that would benefit them.
and so you immediately have this clash betweenthe haitians and the clintons and haitians complained almost immediately that they wereshut out of the decision making process, that it was really bill clinton and a few of hisfriends that were calling the shots in the ihrc and they made some monumentally bad decisions,that not only didn't benefit the haitian people, but ended up putting money in the pocketsof major clinton donors who had economic stakes in haiti. (hillary): we have been united behind a singlegoal, making investments in this countries people and your infrastructure. (schweizer): it's a classic example of whatsome people call disaster capitalism.
disaster capitalism in that a natural disastercreates opportunities for rebuilding to take place, but also for self enrichment to takeplace and if you look at the clintons and the promises that were made and the resultsthat actually followed, it is a tragic story of crony capitalism gone awry. the single largest relief project that theunited states committed taxpayer dollars to, 124 million dollars to be exact, was a projectcalled caracol, a textile factory that was built in the northern part of the country,that was supposed to create some 60,000 jobs and was supposed to create tremendous economicgrowth. there's a problem here already, you see, theearthquake affected the southern part of haiti,
the northern part of the country was entirelyunaffected. but who were the beneficiaries of this? companies like gap, target and walmart toname a few. the caracol factory was built, but it didn'tcreate 60,000 jobs, it created barely 5,000 jobs, but the major american companies whogot textiles terra free, made at low wages, benefited enormously and the end effect onthe haitians was very very minimal. if you look at some of the infrastructureprojects that were undertaken, the clintons had very grand plans to, uh, build large tractsof homes and there were contractors that were selected for those projects.
sometimes the contractors had experience,sometimes they did not. there's one company in florida that spenta million dollars getting equipment into haiti, they had experience in disaster relief, butaccording to the owners of that company, they only made a small donation to the clintonfoundation and guess what, they didn't get any relief contracts, on the other hand thecontractors who did win the awards were given the opportunity to build homes and in someinstances, were supposed to build tens of thousands of homes for haitians, they endedup building a fraction of that, for instance new settlements programs was supposed to build15,000 homes for 53 million dollars, instead they built 2,600 homes, less than a quarterof the original estimate for 90 million dollars,
or 47 million dollars over budget and theygot away with it. so you had contracts going to the relief organizationsthat were also involved with the clinton global initiative and you had this one organizationdalberg, that was supposed to do an assessment for relocating people that suffered from theearthquake. they determined that people should be movedto a site that happened to be on a cliff that was highly unstable. usaid's inspector general reviewed dalberg'srecommendations and found them basically unusable. one member of the usaid's shelter team wasquoted by rolling stone magazine saying that the recommendations were so bad, it lookedlike the team never even got out of their
suv's, another person, said that only oneof the people that was sent to haiti by dalberg actually spoke french. (reporter): telecom mogul denis o'brien isone of the world's richest people and he's finding opportunities in the poorest countriesin the western hemisphere. the irish billionaire is the largest privateinvestor in haiti through his company digicel and he's now leading the clinton global initiativeefforts down in haiti. (schweizer): probably no one came out betterin the haitian reconstruction effort that an irish billionaire named denis o'brien,he's a clinton foundation donor giving them between 5 and 10 million dollars, he helpedarrange speeches for bill clinton too.
(o'brien):the interest of the obama administration,particularly the former secretary of state hillary clinton, you know all the, the, allthe different things that have happened to help haiti get up off the floor have beenled by the us (schweizer): and he was the owner of somethingcalled digicell, which is a cell phone company at the time of the earthquake, as part ofthat relief effort the state department run by hillary clinton wanted to fund a mobilemoney transfer service, that would allow haitian citizens to transfer and receive money ontheir phones, well digicell applied to be the recipient of that grant money, four weeksafter their application, digicell actually sponsored a speech for bill clinton in jamaicaand they paid him $225,000 and as it turns
out, within four months of that speech, digicellwould receive the first installment of that grant money. the earthquake has actually been great fordigicell and denis o'brien. (reporter): more than 4 years since a magnitude7.0 earthquake devastated haiti and outrage there is growing , over the largely failedreconstruction effort, despite the hundreds of millions of dollars in aid that has beencollected and spent by the ihrc, the interim haiti recovery commission. (schweizer): so whether you're talking abouthousing or cell phones, you see that the people that are closest to the clintons, have madeout very well from the haitian earthquake,
the rest of the country? the ordinary people of haiti? not so much. (reporter): haitian activists stage a protestoutside hillary clinton's manhattan office, the demonstrators claim billions of dollarswere stolen through the haiti reconstruction commission headed by bill clinton, they alsosay haiti was used as a cover for foreign governments to funnel kickbacks and possiblyhundreds of millions of dollars through the clinton foundation. they say it was done in exchange for favorsthat hillary was doing for the as secretary
of state. (schweizer): the tragedy is, we had an opportunityto rebuild in a way that would give the people of the country hope, sadly, that opportunitywas squandered and what took place, rather than rebuilding haiti, was the self enrichment,by friends of the clintons. for all of bill clinton's talk about buildinghaiti back better, the fact remains that the most visible evidence of clinton's role inthe recovery, isn't the improvement of daily life for everyday haitians, but the constructionof new luxury hotels just miles from the folks who have been living in tarps usaid handedout immediately after the earthquake. (protester): we are telling the world of thecrimes that bill and hillary clinton are responsible
in for in haiti (schweizer): but while the world eventuallylost interest in haiti's recovery, the influence and connections afforded to donors from theclinton foundation appear to have been lessons learned by others. so how much do connections to the clintonsmatter when you're talking about haiti? consider the case of gold mining, the governmentof haiti had not granted a gold mining concession in 50 years. they decided to do so during the reconstructionof their country, which was being overseen by bill and hillary clinton.
what company did they select to get this goldmining permit? a company called vcs mining, vcs mining hadvery little experience in gold mining, but what did they have? they had connections. shortly after they got that concession, someonejoined their board of directors, it just happened to be tony rodham, brother of hillary rodhamclinton. it was a true disaster that followed the earthquake,which was the natural disaster, this was the man made clinton caused disaster in reliefthat led to the wasting of enormous sums of money, the enrichment of elites that werefriends with the clintons and the haitians
were left in a situation where their lifewas really not much better than it was the day after the earthquake happened. (reporter): an ambitious pipeline is firingoff a war of opinions. environmental activists marched in washingtontoday to protest plans for the keystone xl oil pipeline. a 7 billion dollar project, transporting 800,000barrels of tar sands oil a day from canada down to the gulf coast. in washington a showdown on the senate floortoday over the keystone xl pipeline, the vote to approve the controversial pipe projecthas big political implications.
the pipeline would create 20,000 jobs, butopponents say the environmental risk is too great. (schweizer): one of the touchstones of theclimate change debate, has been the keystone xl pipeline. it's designed to carry oil from canada, throughthe united states to refineries in louisiana and in texas. the environmental movement has wholeheartedlyrejected this deal from the beginning, because they believe that it's gonna further contributeto the problems of climate change. (protesters): ...pipeline...one, we are thepeople.
two, you can't ignore us. three... now you would think that the clintons wouldbe opposed to the keystone xl pipeline deal, because of those concerns and perhaps theymight be, except for 1 or 2 problems, or should i say 1 or 2 million problems. you see when hillary clinton became secretaryof state in late 2008, there was already an issue related the to keystone xl pipelinesitting on her desk, she was going to have to sign an environmental and impact statementand decide whether the keystone xl pipeline should go forward.
at that precise time, bill clinton gets alucrative offer of nearly 2 million dollars to give 10 speeches in canada, for the firsttime ever, from a company called td bank investment group. he gave the last speech in may of 2011, 3months later, hillary's state department releases an environmental impact statement that wasseen as largely supportive of the keystone xl pipeline, in a way that was massively controversial. hillary clinton in effect was betraying theenvironmental movement by green lighting this deal, when she had in her hands the powerto kill this deal in it's crib. it was shocking, organizations like greenpeaceand friends of the earth were stunned.
they wanted investigations, but everybodywas mystified, nobody could understand why hillary clinton would sign off on this deal,particularly when she had been in favor of dealing with climate change and her boss,barack obama, by all indications seemed to be opposed to this deal as well. (hillary): it's also a time for a new approachto climate change. we know we've got to deal with global warming,we're seeing the effects of it. we need to invest in clean energy technologytoday, so that we can create new, high paying jobs, to protect our environment, to growour economy and to finally break our addiction for foreign oil.
(schweizer): how did we go from the clintonsbeing in favor of fighting climate change and dealing with fossil fuel dependence, tohillary clinton signing off on the keystone xl pipeline? the evidence that would be found, was thatit was about the money, this was not a philosophical change, this was not a new way of thinkingabout global warming, this was a way of taking 2 million dollars cash, to essentially buya decision by the secretary of state. why is the td bank investment group so interesting? because they just happen to be one of thelargest shareholders in the keystone xl pipeline itself.
when we looked at bill clinton's pattern atgiving speeches, we looked at who was paying him, when they were paying him and if theyhad ever paid for a speech before. what's so stunning is that td bank had neversponsored a speech by bill clinton before and then suddenly, in late 2008, when hillaryclinton has been announced to be the secretary of state and when sitting on her desk is thematter of the keystone xl pipeline, they suddenly decide to sponsor these speeches. and when people realize that the clintonshad pocketed about 2 million dollars, at the precise time hillary clinton was making thisdecision, it all now suddenly made sense, because as we've seen repeated, over and overand over again, when it comes to the clintons,
you have to follow the money. in the case of the keystone xl pipeline, theyseemed to of abandoned their principles, their commitment, as it was, to combatting globalwarming and dealing with our dependence on fossil fuels, they jettisoned that, when 2million dollars showed up and suddenly came out in favor of the keystone xl pipeline. when you see this sort of pattern of behavior,you can't come to any other conclusion, that it's a system of pay to play. and again, other entities appear to have pickedup on this business model too. well bill clinton has been paid enormous sumsof money over the years to give speeches,
on average he gets a little less than $200,000per speech. but something happened in late 2008, his speakingfee skyrocketed, after he'd been out of office for years. the reason was, his wife had become secretaryof state, in fact 11 of the 13 speeches for which bill clinton has been paid half a milliondollars or more, occurred precisely when hillary was the most powerful diplomat in the world. (bill): you will never contribute to an organizationthat will give you a higher probability of having your good intentions turned into realpositive changes in other people's lives, that will give you a better chance than whatyou have done here tonight.
(schweizer): his single biggest speech paydaycame from the swedish telecom company, ericsson, and it's a very, very unusual and troublingstory. now ericsson is a swedish telecom companythat in 2009 and 2010 was in trouble with hillary clinton's state department becauseericsson was selling a lot of telecom equipment to iran, to belarus, and to other oppressivegovernments about which the state department was concerned. ericsson risked being put on a list by thefederal government in the united states for trading with an enemy state. there was actually an effort being put forwardin washington to broaden iranian sanctions
to include the very technologies that ericssonwas selling to the iranian government. so it's against this background that ericcsondecided now might be a good time to hire bill clinton to give a speech. they had never paid for a speech by him before,and they decided to go in big -- $750,000 for a single speech. seven days after he gave that speech, hillary'sstate department came out with a statement which said we are not going to broaden sanctionson iran to include technologies like telecom. we are going to rely and expect companieslike ericsson to police themselves. it was a massive win for ericsson.
ericsson was able to avoid having to dealwith a regulatory battle in washington, giving up contracts that were highly lucrative inthese countries, and being put on a list that would create an enormous diplomatic problemfor them, all because essentially they paid bill clinton to give a speech for $750,000. (reporter): will you continue to give speeches? (bill): oh yeah, i've got to pay our bills. (schweizer): so the question is why do wesee the clintons reversing decades of policy positions that they have held so closely onissues like human rights and environment. and a big clue comes from the folks that aregiving the clinton foundation literally tens
of millions of dollars. and one, if not the biggest donor to the foundation,is a canadian named frank giustra. giustra is in the mining business, hardlysomething you would call environmentally friendly, and he has interests all over the world. and he uses his relationship with the clintonsto benefit those interests, regardless of the environmental concerns. a great example of this is what happened incolombia. what is so interesting about the relationshipthat the clintons have with frank giustra is they tend to show up in these foreign countriestogether at the same time.
frank giustra has made billions of dollarsover the years in the so-called penny stock market in canada which is highly open to manipulation. he has been very successful in this area. now the vancouver stock exchange is not likethe new york stock exchange in the united states. this is a stock market, or an exchange, thatis dominated by penny stocks, made up of a lot of natural resources stocks. it's sort of the wild wild west of investing. it's called dodge city sometimes.
and the reason is because there are a lotof speculators, there is a lot of misinformation that is put around, and there are a lot ofmining companies that don't really have any assets but will proclaim to have gotten therights to some lucrative gold mine, let's say, and then they send that news out to thepublic in the hope that it will lead to a flood of people buying the penny stock sothe shareholders can sell their assets. so in june of 2010, bill clinton and frankgiustra fly to bogota, columbia. and who arrives there at roughly the sametime? secretary of state hillary clinton. (reporter): the big thing from the news conferencewas where bill and hillary were dining the
other night in bogota. i had a chance to talk to her about her dinnerexperience in the zona rosa and here's what she had to say: (reporter): the dinner was good? (hillary): yeah, it was excellent in everyway. (reporter): so it was like eating in the statesbut eating in bogota? (hillary): (laughs) well it was a real treatto be in bogota and, uh, to be with people who love this city so much, including my husband. (schweizer): now in her memoirs, hillary clintonsays that this is just a happy coincidence.
but when you see what follows, you realizethat this is no coincidence. the following morning, bill clinton has abreakfast meeting with the outgoing president of colombia, president uribe. then, like a tag team, secretary of statehillary clinton has a noon lunch meeting with him. and she grants him several favors, includingtechnical agreements that the colombian government wants. in the days that follow, something dramatichappens. frank giustra has three companies that getmajor concessions from the colombian government:
pacific rubiales, petroamerica, and primacolombia properties. one of those, prima colombia properties, getsa concession to cut timber in a rainforest in colombia along the pacific coast. and that timber is not intended to exportto the united states but it is intended for export to china. there is an outrage and upset environmentalistswho realize what is going on, and eventually that permit is yanked by a future presidentof columbia but not before frank giustra's company is able to profit from cutting downthese rain forests, which again is a behavior that runs so contrary to what the clintonsprofess to be in favor of.
(hillary): we all know that in order to buildlow carbon economies of the future we need sustainable forests. (bill): i also know the future of our planetdepends on healthy, standing forests. (schweizer): they have talked about the problemsof deforestation, they have talked about the problems of the need for successful growingforests to mitigate carbon dioxide in the air, and yet when this commercial opportunitywas presented to a major donor of theirs they seemed to be very much supportive of thatand in fact helped to get him those concessions. (bill): he deserves the credit for this. this was his idea, not mine, and he raisedthe money, and it's an astonishing achievement.
my job is to make sure that it's not in vain,that he gets the return on his investment and his compassion and his commitment. (schweizer): the clintons appear to have changedtheir stance on issues even more significant than the environment in ways that benefitthose who have put money in their pockets. (hillary): i represent a president and a countrycommitted to a vision of a world without nuclear weapons and to taking the concrete steps necessarythat will help us get there. (schweizer): the indian nuclear deal, i think,is so troubling because this is a core national security issue. one of the signature achievements in foreignpolicy for bill clinton was pushing the test
ban treaty and the nonproliferation treaty. (bill): today in new york the united nationsgeneral assembly voted overwhelmingly to adopt a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty andto open it for signature later this month. (schweizer): the npt has been sort of theholy grail when it comes to nuclear disarmament, something that the clintons have been supportiveof not just for years but for decades. that was all thrown asunder in 1998 when theindian government tested nuclear weapons underground. (bill): india's action threatens the stabilityof asia and challenges the firm international consensus to stop all nuclear testing. (schweizer): these were tests that truly shockedthe world.
even the cia was not aware that these testswere about to take place. clinton's reaction was volcanic. he felt betrayed by the indian government,and as a result he imposed sanctions on india, essentially saying you're not going to getaccess to us nuclear technology until you sign the npt, the nonproliferation treaty. in 2005 the indian government wanted to getthese sanctions lifted. not only do they have an interest in expandingtheir civilian nuclear base, they live in a neighborhood where some pretty tough customersand rivals have nuclear weapons themselves. first of all, you've got pakistan which isright next door, which is widely believed
to have nuclear weapons, and then you havechina, a long-time rival of india, which has a nuclear arsenal. the clintons said that they were in favorof giving the indian government some access but the problem is it didn't go nearly asfar as the indian government wanted. so in 2005, they started making donationsto the clinton foundation. (reporter): this morning yet another shadydonation to the clinton foundation has surfaced, this time tied to a donor from india, apparentlya friend of bill clinton. (schweizer): we're talking about tens of millionsof dollars from indian interests flowing into the clinton foundation, and we're talkingabout at least hundreds of thousands, if not
millions of dollars in speeches that billclinton was paid by interested parties in the indian nuclear deal. amar singh, according to clinton disclosures,has given between and $1 and $5 million to the clinton foundation in the push to getthem to support indian access to nuclear technology. he is a member of parliament who has gottenin fistfights on the floor of the parliament, who has been charged with bribing membersof parliament to get certain pieces of legislation passed. you see, a problem is when you ask amar singh,he says, "it wasn't my money, i don't have that kind of money, i couldn't have givenhim that amount of money."
and in fact when you look at indian publicrecords, you see that amar singh doesn't have a net worth anything close to being able togive that amount of money. so where did the money come from? well, sometimes the most obvious answer isthe correct one. sant chatwal is an indian businessman whohas been close to the clintons for years. he pledged to raise $5 million for her 2008presidential campaign, and bill clinton was at his son's wedding. they actually named him as a trustee of theclinton foundation. when hillary clinton was first running forthe senate in 2000, sant chatwal was in trouble
with a federal agency called the federal depositinsurance corporation. he basically owed them millions of dollarsfrom unpaid loans. well, in 2000, chatwal throws a fundraiserfor hillary clinton and he brings in half a million dollars. a few months later, with bill clinton stillpresident of the united states, sant chatwal's case with the fdic was abruptly settled fora mere $125,000. so basically the federal government got pennieson the dollar. he would actually go on to plead guilty forfunneling $180,000 in illegal campaign contributions to hillary clinton, among others, and no oneseems to have made the connection.
well, maybe one reason no one made the connectionis because the clinton foundation mysteriously erased any mention of sant chatwal from thewebsite once he had admitted to his illegal activity. so here we are years later and we've got thisdonation in a guy's name who swears he didn't actually make the donation. and you've got this long-time clinton benefactorwho actually gets the highest civilian award in india because of his role in changing hillaryclinton's mind on this nuke deal. (reporter): chatwall says he has worked witheverybody and even laid the foundation of the indo-us nuclear deal.
(reporter): so the indian government saysthat they have given you this award for your role in pushing the indo-us nuclear deal forwhat, how exactly would you describe the role you played in this? (chatwal): well i can tell you the indiannuclear power deal, if you look at it, i am the first one, i laid the foundation. (schweizer): on the eve of the vote in 2008to approve indian access to us civilian nuclear technology, amar singh, who barely knows hillaryclinton, had a two-hour meeting with her where they discussed the indian nuclear deal. amar singh says that the dinner meeting resultedin her telling him that she was supportive
of the deal and that she was making effortsto make sure that the deal did get through. and lo and behold, by 2008, hillary clintonwas fully in support and in favor of this policy in a way that was a complete reversalof the position that she had taken before. in other words, the flow of money had ledthe clintons to change their positions on the nonproliferation treaty and specificallyindia getting access to us nuclear technology. this was a decision that was wholly out ofstep, wholly inconsistent with the progressive liberal agenda. hillary clinton made the decision of reversingher previous position after the flow of funds to the clinton foundation and her husbandgave some speeches in india.
but this wouldn't be the last time hillaryreversed herself regarding nuclear weapons technology. shockingly, bill and hillary would end upreceiving money from folks that were looking to make something happen a lot closer to home. (schweizer): i think the russian uranium storyis perhaps the most shocking, the most blatant example of how the clintons operate. this is a story about the russian state nuclearagency, american uranium, $145 million in cash, and the clintons. at the end of the day, this is a story aboutbuying influence and selling influence.
the clintons are the sellers of influence,the canadian investors and the russians are the buyers. bill clinton had gone to the central asiancountry of kazakhstan in 2005 with frank giustra. kazakhstan is a country that has been runsince the collapse of the soviet union by a dictator named nazarbayev who shuts downpolitical opposition and tortures political opponents. the ostensible purpose of the visit to kazakhstanby bill clinton was to talk with nazarbayev about aids/hiv. the problem is kazakhstan really does nothave an aids/hiv problem, so that explanation
really doesn't make sense. what makes far more sense is that frank giustrawanted access to very lucrative kazakh uranium mines. kazakhstan is one of the largest producersof uranium in the world. bill clinton arrives there with frank giustraand they have a series of meetings with kazakh officials. there is a press conference where bill clintonstands with the dictator of kazakhstan and he praises the human rights record. he praises that elections are being held inthe country and he even says that kazakhstan
should head up something called the osce whichis the organization for security and cooperation in europe. think about that for a second. bill clinton is saying that a known humanrights violator who has been condemned by human rights organizations around the worldshould head up a human rights organization! they go from a press conference to a dinnerwhere frank giustra, nazarbayev (the dictator of kazakhstan), and bill clinton meet andtalk. well, two days after that meeting, frank giustrafinally gets his uranium concessions worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
a couple of weeks after that, bill clintongets his $30 million from frank giustra, the first payment in what will become more thana hundred million dollars in pledges and commitments and donations made by frank giustra. so it's really in a way a simple story inthat they all are walking away from the table with something that they want. nazarbayev is getting the legitimacy of anex-president say what a nice and kind leader he is. frank giustra gets his uranium concession. and bill clinton and his foundation get cold,hard cash.
now let's move to chapter two of this storywhich is even more sinister. you see, the international uranium marketis very competitive. the kremlin sees dominance and control ofthe uranium market as a source of national power. frank giustra takes that uranium concessionhe got in kazakhstan and puts it into a company in a so-called "reverse merger" which is oneway for a private company to go public, to form something called uraniumone. it is a company traded on the stock marketin canada, and they start acquiring the uranium concessions in places like wyoming, texas,new mexico, and utah.
and by 2009, they have what is expected tobe 50% of future uranium production in the united states. this gets the interest of vladimir putin andthe russian government, and in fact there are state department cables that were leakedthrough wikileaks which show that hillary was aware of the fact that the russians tookgreat care to try to dominate the international uranium market. well, the russians want to buy this asset,and they offer a 40% _____ price on the share of the stock, and for this transaction togo through it has to be approved by the us federal government.
why? because uranium is regarded as a criticalindustry in the united states. after all, this is used for civilian nuclearreactors and goes into nuclear weapons. so it goes before the federal government whereit needs to be signed off by a series of federal agencies including the secretary of state,hillary clinton. as hillary clinton is contemplating this,shareholders in uraniumone, including frank giustra, have sent more than $145 millionto the clinton foundation. the chairman of that company at the precisetime is a guy named ian telfer who is also making donations to the clinton foundation,as is frank holmes who is another major uraniumone
shareholder. and hillary clinton, who has a record of opposingprecisely these kinds of deals, comes out and says you know what, i think this is agood deal, let's let vladimir putin take control of what is now 20% of us uranium production. bill clinton and hillary clinton are the onlyfigures in american politics who are willing to do this deal and who could actually pullit off because they had a reputation that runs so contrary to what they're doing. i mean this is what the clinton foundationdoes, right? this is what they talk about politically:their support for human rights, their concerns
about proliferation, their concerns aboutissues related to russian aggression. (hillary): there is no doubt that when putincame back in and said he was going to be president, that did change the relationship. we have to stand up to his bullying... (schweizer): what is so interesting when youconsider this uranium deal are the actions of a small canadian investment firm calledsalida capital. salida capital in 2010, as this deal was goingdown, committed to give millions of dollars to the clinton foundation and they also sponsoreda speech by bill clinton in canada. salida capital is also the name of a whollyowned subsidiary of rosatom.
who is rosatom? well, this is the government agency in russiathat controls their nuclear arsenal, that built nuclear reactors in iran, and engagesin nuclear technology exchanges with rogue countries like north korea. what this means in essence is that the russiangovernment, specifically rosatom, was funneling money through a subsidiary directly to theclinton foundation. but the payday didn't end there. four months before hillary clinton's statedepartment would sign off on the russian purchase of uraniumone, bill clinton got paid $500,000to give a single speech in moscow.
he was being paid by a firm called renaissancecapital which has a long history of association with russian intelligence services. what makes this speech stand out is not onlythe timing of when he is being paid but the amount that he is being paid. you see, the last time bill clinton gave aspeech in russia was five years earlier. at that time he was being paid about one thirdof what he was being paid this time. why is russian control of 20% of us uraniumso troubling? if you are in an era where nuclear weaponsare a reality, where nuclear energy is an important component of energy production inthe united states, and increasingly around
the world, control of uranium is absolutelycrucial, and unlike oil or natural gas that can be found in so many places around theworld, there are precious few places where you can find significant and large amountsof uranium that you can produce on a commercial scale. what we have essentially done is handed thisprecious resource to vladimir putin and the russian government. they are not only engaged in aggression inplaces like ukraine but they have been very aggressive in fighting american interestsaround the globe. russia is not an ally.
russia is not a friend. vladimir putin's russia is a rival of theunited states, and yet we have given them control over this precious resource. uranium, the key mineral in nuclear generation,is a domestic resource. this is what is going to power america. i think a lot of people in middle americawould be surprised to know that the russian government is doing business in places likecolorado or wyoming or utah. these are small mining towns. these are operations that have existed fora while that have been under the control of
american companies, or for a while canadiancompanies, but it is now russian companies that control this, and those companies arecontrolled by the russian government. having read through the archives of the kgb,the files that have been released, i can tell you that they look at the united states asweak and ineffectual. this is a thuggish government that is engagedin massive human rights violations, there are opponents of this regime that have beenkilled or have disappeared, there has been persecution of human rights organizations,there has been persecution of homosexuals, and it's shocking and stunning to me thatthere has not been more attention focused to this fact, that we have given this criticalresource to somebody who is engaged in so
much nefarious behavior. (hillary): greetings from washington. i want to thank all of you for your work toroot out corruption that weakens economic development, feeds black markets and organizedcrime, and undermines the promise of democracy. as we work together to eradicate corruptionin our own countries, we should also maintain the highest standards of transparency andaccountability in our development efforts around the world. corruption in emerging markets and fragiledemocracies undermines the confidence of citizens and investors alike, while responsible governancehelps to foster sustainable economic development
and political stability. (schweizer): i believe in the oldest adagein american politics which is "follow the money." enormous amounts of money have flowed to theclintons from foreign governments, foreign financiers and businesses. some of that money lands in their pocket. some of it lands in their foundation. it is a pattern we have seen repeated overand over and over again all around the world. it is not a coincidence.
money exchanges hands and favors are done. now clinton friends and supporters will saythere is no smoking gun. but look at american political history. people are convicted all the time for a patternof behavior where, for example, they are engaged in insider trading on the stock market. so, for example, you have a foreign corporationor a foreign government that wants something from the state department while hillary clintonis secretary of state. they will make a large payment to the clintonfoundation. that will be followed by favorable actionon their behalf.
if that happens one or two times you mightsay look, it's just a coincidence. but when you see the pattern recreated overand over and over again, you have to recognize that these events are connected. they have created a model for massive self-enrichmentthat allows you to go into so-called "public service" but get extremely rich at the sametime. and when friends and allies say that the clintonsaren't really that interested in money, their actions show otherwise. what is so shocking to a lot of people isthat the making of that money requires them to betray their progressive values: the environment,labor unions, women's rights, human rights.
the clintons are doing business and growingrich with the favor of the very individuals who you would expect to be their politicalopposites. for a very long time in american history andprobably still to this day, one of the worst things that could be said about you as a politicianis that you were on the take from foreign interests. what the clintons have essentially done isbusted down the door and robbed the bank of that concept. so when people think of the clintons takingforeign money, they think it's maybe an insurance company from great britain, or they thinkit's from a supermarket chain in canada.
the fact of the matter is a lot of that moneycomes from the darkest, worst corners of the world. are countries like nigeria and russia in thehabit of giving money to politicians and not wanting something back? the clintons are glad to take this money. it has made them fabulously wealthy. but what has it done for us? before, we had to worry about money from wallstreet and big labor. now we have to worry about it coming fromaround the world and infecting our politics
and damaging our politics, everything fromour uranium policy to our human rights policy. nothing seems to be safe anymore. how is this not corruption? how is this not a crime? with the clintons, nothing is sacred. everything is for sale. but we are the ones who are paying the price. maybe, just maybe, the american people aretired of being sold out. based on the reporting in this film and thebook on which it's based, clinton corruption
has cost us taxpayers an estimated $5,100,000,000.00 the cost associated to the citizens of thecountries whose leadership is tied to clinton corruption is estimated to be $1,446,751,663.70 -end-
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