How To Make Money Online Quickly And Easily
hey guys, gabe turner here and i wanted toshare with you a way to make twenty to thirty bucks a month without even using your brain.and if you have a mobile phone and you can turn it on and tap your finger on the screen,you can do it. it’s totally easy. it’s called perk tv. right here. it’s so easy.i use my old iphone. it helps if you have an older iphone or older android or whateverbecause you’ll be using this phone to play videos on this app all day long. as long asyou can. so, i use my regular phone, which i’m recording on right now. i use that wheni can, like when i’m watching a movie or something, but i mainly use this old clunkerright here. see, it’s doing it right now. playing these videos and i make points everytime it plays a video. there’s a commercial
in between each video and i get points forthat. they don’t know that i’m not watching it but hey… it just takes about every other,like every two hours, three hours, sometimes more, you just have to tap a thing here thatsays i’m still watching and it will just keep going for as long as you keep doing that.and you will make points every day doing that. and i’ve found, i’ve been doing it abouta month and a half and i estimate that i’m making about twenty to thirty bucks in a month.i bet you i could do more if i really worked it, but that’s just being, you can make your points, you can cash them in to get gift cards. there’s amazon,itunes, wal mart, best buy, all sorts of restaurants, starbucks, all sorts of cards. something thatyou like is on there, for sure. it’s just
awesome. so, i’ve already cashed out a fewtimes and it’s great. i’m getting books. i just get amazon cards. it’s awesome, youdon’t do anything. i just keep pressing that button all day. because i work at home,i put it on the shelf, i put it upside down. i just keep pressing the button, i check itwhen i go to the bathroom or something. i just press the button and there you go. so, there are other apps in the perk “family.â€there’s perk search and pop quiz. there’s even more. there’s one called perk shopping.there’s all sorts of ones. you just press related in the… related apps in the appstore and you’ll find it. but perk tv is the easiest one to make passive income, i do pop quiz sometimes. it’s like
a quiz app where you can answer questionsand stuff. it’s kind of fun if you’ve got a few minutes and you can make pointswith that. the search one does give you points, too. like if you search for a bunch of things,if you’re just sitting around you can just search for a bunch of random things and you’llmake some points but there is a limit on that every day, i believe. so, you might make 60-70points and then you just leave it ’til the next day. but, perk tv is the best. another way to make points, which could reallyrack it up if you know what you’re doing is to refer other people to the app. and yougive them your specific code and you will get up to 500 points when they do their firstcash out. so, that’s pretty cool ‘cause
it takes like a half a day or maybe more tomake that many points. so, it’d be great. if you can refer like a bunch of people you’llbe racking up the points. i heard of a guy who made like 200 bucks in two months. totallycool. if you know how to refer people to stuff, do this. you’ve gotta make sure that peopleuse your referral code, though. the link that perk tv gives you to use is kind of confusing,i’ve found, and i’ve gotten a few people on and they haven’t used my referral link(or my referral code) and i… you just gotta kinda hand hold them and walk them throughit and make sure they’re doing it right. so, i wouldn’t necessarily use the linkthat perk tv gives you. i would just tell people, “download the app in your app store.use my code.†so, tell them, “when you
sign up, you do the sign up process, you getyour account created and then, the referral code box will pop up and that’s when youput it in. so if you don’t do that you’re not going to get points for it. so, make surethey do that. so, you guys can use my link… or my referral code below… i’d appreciateit. if i’m the first one who told you about this, i’d love it if you would sign up withmy referral link. so, twenty, thirty bucks isn’t going tochange your life or anything but it’s pretty cool to get money for nothing basically. so,if you like tips like this, subscribe to my channel and i’ll be putting out some morestuff like this over time. and if you want to know about an even faster way to put somemoney in your bank, this is actually paypal
money, fifty bucks in your paypal accountin 24 hours. totally legit, a really cool way to do something to make some money. goto and catch you later guys, hope you have fun. bye.
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