Legitimate Work From Home Jobs In Atlanta Ga

>> mike: hi i am mike and i have, this isan episode that i really wanted to do. i am really excited about this. i'm probably goingto piss off a lot of people with this video, but i have told you throughout a lot of myvideos and especially my introduction to you, that i believe in being honest. that's whoi am and that's what i do. i am not going to come here and make videos just to try toget your money and lied to you. i want you to feel comfortable learning from me or joiningmy system. i'm going to be honest and i would love for you to join my system. i would absolutelylove for you to sign up. my actual system is free. that's my honest opinion. i wouldlove for you to come join me. i would absolutely love it. i'm not going to lie to you and belike sugarcoating it. here is where my honesty

could piss people off. there are a lot ofpeople online who have blogs, websites, and their own work at home programs that willtell you that no work at home program should cost money to sign up. none. mine doesn't.when you come to my site and put your email in and joined the actual program. that programis free. it does not cause money to join. however, there are some that does and i havejoined some. now the thing is, people will tell you, well you can't, that's fraud. youcan't give money. what job do you have to pay to do. guess who one of those people whosaid that was? me! i said it! before i joined those sites. i said it. i'm like you knowwhat a real job online is not going to ask you for money to join. it's just not goingto happen. jobs are not like that. here's

the deal, when you are going to work online.you are not working for someone. you are working for you. you are your own business. any businessowner knows that you will have to spend money to run your own business. there is no wayaround it. i tried to get around it. i tried to fight the system. i tried to do everythingfor free. in the beginning i did. at the end of the day. there are tools that you need,certain sites that do cause money to join, but at the end it's worth it. it's what youmake. it's like a small investment that's going to pay you back over and over again.so that is really important to know. not every work at home site or program is a fraud. notevery site that you have to pay to join is a fraud. i believe that maybe the people aretelling you that you shouldn't have to spend

are people who have a program that's freeto join and then you will have to go spend something that they offer. i have been fooledlike that myself many times. other people who have been jilted online and they got scammed,i have been scammed a few times, they will go and create these sites because they areso pissed, but they don't continue to look for other work or legitimate things that work.there are some sites that are fantastic which actually tell you who are the fraudulent companiesand who are the good ones. those are great sites. those are people who really have asite that's really helpful. i go to those sites all the time. it really is importantto know that. you will have to invest some money and tools and online tools that youwill need. there are some sites that will

cost money to join. some of them are justthe one time fee which those in my favorite. you pay once and that's it. some have monthlypayments. i hope that helps you and gives you a little bit of information before youdelve in and i wish you all the best and i will see you next time.


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