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ho-ly crap. super mario odyssey looks amazing. i get excited every time i watch the trailer. and there’s so much to look at! it’s a good thing we sent the old analysismachine for a tune-up right before this analysis...because it’s come back with our longest analysisevery based on just a single trailer! and wit that, let’s not waste any more timeand dive right in so super mario odyssey is a return to formfor 3d mario, with even nintendo stating it’s a sandbox-style game in the same vein of supermario 64 and sunshine--which is music to the
analysis machine’s ears. what that means is that levels are shouldbe grander in scale and nonlinear, offering multiple paths and objectives. essentially, there’s no single goal, norsingle correct way to get through the level--it’s largely up to you. and super mario odyssey seems to be steppingit up a notch, with mario going on a globetrotting adventure spanning a variety of huge uniqueenvironments--all in order to rescue princess peach from bowser--shocking isn’t it? now we have no idea how many levels will bein the final game, but what we do know is
that the trailer reveals at least four ofthem: a new york-type city, a forest, a desert, and well, whatever this place is--hey, there’sa volcano, so let’s call it the volcano level. now on the surface, these themes may seempretty standard. but hold up just a second... those levelsaren’t quite what they seem at first. the desert isn’t your typical desert--instead,it’s been frozen over in places. that’s a little weird, isn’t it? and even stranger: the pyramid is upside down! it’s a literal inversion of your expectations.
then there’s the natural-looking forest...whichisn’t quite as natural as it may seem at first glance, being inhabited by man-maderobots and full of steel structures. next up is the volcano level, which strangelyenough, seems to be all about food, except the food appears to be polygonal--almost asit’s virtual in nature--yeah, i don’t think that would quite qualify as organic. and last but not least, there’s the citywhich puts realistically-styled humans right up against the cartoonishly-proportioned mario. clearly these aren’t just your typical levels--instead,they seem to adhere to a grander theme, in that they’re based on a contrast, or a juxtapositionof some sort.
now besides sharing the idea of contrastingelements, they have some others common attributes as well. of course, the usual gold coins and ? blocksare back, but then we have some new common elements to, like these collectible purpleobjects, as well as the crazy cap store--but we’ll dive into all those a bit more later. anyways, since this is an adventure that spansan entire planet, a central hub, like the castle in mario 64 or delfino plaza in supermario sunshine might not make sense based on the vast distances mario’s traversing. and sure enough, we’ve found no evidenceof one here either--yep, even the city appears
to just be another level, which we’ll getinto more later. so instead, mario seems to be get around byway of this strange aircraft that’s shaped like a top hat, with the brim serving as awalkway. we can see mario land it in some levels, anddeparting others via it too--and presumably even flying between them in this scene. oh, and there’s even a freakin’ globetoo--which also has a diagram of a compass underneath of.. so our guess is that this ship functions similarto the faceship in super mario galaxy 2, allowing access to a world map of sorts that you useto choose which level to visit--and maybe
that globe is the map that mario chooses from. now the globe reveals this this world, thoughearth-like, isn’t actually earth itself. yeah, it’s not a huge surprise--but thatidea of the world being earth-like might tie into the level themes, with some seeminglybeing based on real-life locations, such as with the new york city stage and the mexicantown in the desert--while of course being quite different at the same time. but here’s a question: is this the sameplanet as the mushroom kingdom, or a different one entirely? i mean, we’ve never seen humans like thatbefore.
and after super mario galaxy’s stellar setting,we’d say anything’s possible. now the airship appears to run on a weirdcombination of wind power based on the sail, technology with the spinning gears underneath,and maybe even a hint of magic with all the glowing dust coming from both of those? yeah, the whole thing’s pretty mysterious. especially since we never see anyone besidesmario riding on it. i mean, where did mario get the ship from? and whoever the owner is seems to have gonea little overboard with the hat theme--i mean, there’s a hat-shaped insignia on the front,as well as on the door, and the nearby hat-shaped
lamp, then the window mario looks out of...andas for the 5 exhaust pipes sticking out the back? yep: all hats. heck, there’s even a little hat decorationon top of the flagpole. does the mad hatter run this or something? you might say the owner is a little...inhatuated. besides hats, there’s a few other peculiarthings too. like how the openings for the exhaust pipesall have their own cover that can seemingly flip back up to close, presumably after thepipes retract.
what’s the purpose of that? can the ship transform in some way--perhapsto be watertight, like a boat something? that would explain the sail...in addition,there are some rivets in the top of the hat too, which makes us wonder if the top canpossibly open up, perhaps to store things or expose a special tool? we can also see a circular cover underneath--isthat hiding something? there’s also a weird purple sphere on theroof full of a yellow liquid--could that be what’s powering the whole thing? it is the same color as the magic sparklesafter all.
maybe the amount of liquid you have dictateshow far you can go--and which levels you can explore? but more importantly, that purple and yellowcolor scheme actually matches that of the crazy cap shop that can be found in severallevels--which we think indicates the the two are connected. i mean, they are both about hats after all. and on that note, the end of the trailer revealsthat mario’s cap is now a sentient-being too, sprouting a pair of eyes...and we don’tthink it’s a coincidence that the two c’s in crazy cap’s logo also look like eyes.
so we have a feeling that this new hat isinvolved with that shop and probably the ship too. which could possibly mean that mario’s notreally alone on that airship after all. in addition, it seems that hat will grantmario some new powers--or at least one new power, being the ability to throw his hatso that it hovers in place for a couple of seconds so he can use it like a trampolineto cross long gaps or reach high areas, almost like a power-up. and by the way, the same type of magic sparklesseem to appear around the hat when it’s thrown, as emitted by the airship when flying--furthercementing the two are connected.
and we can see those same sparkles again whenthe hat appears in the logo. hmmm now one thing that mario’s famous for ispower-ups--yet they’re nowhere to be found in the trailer at all...or are they? because we have a feeling that’s where thecrazy cap shop comes into play. we can see mario enter one in the desert scene,and there’s even has a selection of hats on display outside. so what if the crazy cap stores are the replacementfor power-ups, where mario goes to swap hats that grant him different powers?
and it’s not like swapping hats is new,as that ability harkens back to super mario 64--the main difference is that it would bedone at a central location in each level. and we would also assume that they’re nottime-sensitive, similar to switching nozzles in mario sunshine. now all of this raises a question--is thatsentient hat a being in the shape of a hat, or something else? i mean, it would be a little weird if it justhappened to come in the exact shape and color of mario’s normal hat, right? plus if mario can switch hats, does that meaneach one hat its own personality?
instead, we think it might be more likelythat the hat-being is actually a spirit or something that can possess a variety of differenthats, and imbues them with special powers. but it’s just a idea--we don’t even knowthat mario can switch hats for sure--but those crazy cap shops have to be for something important,right? besides potential power-ups, now might bea good time to quickly explore mario’s moveset, as it seems to be the most robust it’s everbeen in the past 20 years. so first up are the return of some classicmoves from super mario 64, such as the double and triple jump for extra height, then there’slong-jumping, side-flipping, and wall-jumping. then he can swim, climb, grab ledges and sidlealong them, carry things smb2-style, and even
dive again--both on land and into water whereit turns into a proper dive! now interestingly, whenever mario performsa dive, we can see and hear some speed-lines appear behind him--and that seems to be fora good reason, as it looks like it gives him a bit of a boost. so this could make performing a dive a crucialmaneuver as a last minute save, like if you’re going to fall short of clearing a jump orsomething. but as it turns out, you can teach an oldplumber some new tricks, as mario has a brand new move too, in which he turns into a balland rolls downhill. now at first, it looks like he performs adive to enter ball form--but he doesn’t
seem to get a boost like he did the othertimes. which means it has to be a completely differentmove. but interestingly, mario can hop while rolling--andthat’s when we see and hear similar action-lines--or sparks--appear, which also gives him a speedboost. and if we had to guess, we’d say that thiswill allow him to bowl right through enemies--similar to sliding downhill in the 2d games. who does mario think he is? kirby? so clearly mario has quite a few moves athis disposal. the only real thing missing is any kind offront-facing attack, like punching or kicking.
okay, yeah, we do see mario kick a constructionbarrel at one point, but it seems to be automatic, just like in super mario galaxy, meaning itcan probably only be used on objects and enemies already in a weakened state. but, we have a feeling his hat throw may bethe replacement, giving mario an odd-job like long-range attack. although if mario can switch hats, it’spossible this ability won’t carry over. one other thing to point out is that mariocan be seen looking at points of interest whether it’s taxis, pylons, or whateverelse--it’s a nice touch, and might also offer a clue as to where to go next.
and speaking of what’s important--we haveno idea of what the main collectible is this time! you know, like mario 64’s stars or sunshine’sshine sprites? there’s no sign of anything similar here. now this could be because the reward is hiddenuntil you meet certain requirements, like defeating a boss, or helping someone out--muchas it was at times in both 64 and sunshine. and if that’s the case, it might mean therewon’t be any of those collectibles just out in the open--since again, we can’t seeany here. but despite the lack of a clear end-goal,there might be still hints of them...sort
of. but we’ll touch on that more later. alright, so we finally have most of the basicsout of the way, so let’s dive into the levels themselves. and what better place to start than with thecity level, which is not only how the trailer begins, but is where a good portion of theaction takes place. and there’s a looooot to cover to here. i mean we’re going to be here for a while,so buckle up. now it doesn’t take an analysis machineto point out that this city is clearly based
on new york city--i mean, between the manholesspewing steam, yellow cabs everywhere, and general downtown appearance, it’s a deadringer. heck, there are even similar-looking landmarks. that tower is pretty darn similar to the empirestate building, and the bridge in the background is evocative of the brooklyn bridge... but despite the similarities this isn’tactually new york city--it’s new donk city, as we can see that name plastered everywhere,including on signs, banners, and even the ground. it’s a weird name--and it’s just the startof the rabbit hole of weirdness that is donk
city--no, i’m not talking about you rabbits! you’re not even part of this level--getout of here! we’ll be dealing with you later. okay, for starters, as we touched on earlier,this level is far more realistic than your typical mario level--and as part of that,it features normally-proportioned humans. which make mario, who’s presumably alsohuman, look a bit freakish by comparison with his cartoonish appearance--hell, have youseen how his nose now bounces around? yeeeeah. so yeah, it’s kind of weird to see realhumans and mario side by side.
is there an actual explanation for that? are normal-looking humans considered aliensto mario--kind if like that twilight zone episode where the beautiful woman is considereda freak? it’s even weirder when you consider thatmario himself, was originally said to be from new york--even though that doesn’t seemto be canon these days. but despite the humans being realistic, there’ssomething odd about them too--they’re all dressed nearly identically in 1950s styleclothing--or at least we think it’s 1950--it’s an old style no matter what. which is especially weird considering we cansee a woman working on a laptop in the background
meaning it’s the modern era. so i guess what’s old is new again, right? either that, or this is a city full hipsters. and that’s just the tip of the iceberg whenit comes to weird stuff, because in this clip that offers a wonderful view of the city,we can see the entire thing is actually located far above the ground, with skyscrapers extendingup through the clouds below. so what’s going on here? is there even more city below the clouds? and is this district built on top of a giantbuilding itself?
and what’s the point of taxis if they can’teven leave this little island...although the roads do look as if they may wrap around andcontinue down the side--so can the taxis escape gravity and just drive on down the side toground level? we’re not sure--although that corner doeslook like it might be a little rough on the undercarriage though... and we’re still not done with the strangeness. because despite the realistic visual-style,there’s still a clear mario influence. such as how all the crosswalk signals areactually question blocks--not only are they yellow cubes, but they even feature the ? markon the screen as the walk symbol.
which you know...probably isn’t the bestidea for a crosswalk. although since they are based on questionblocks, does anything happen if you hit them? like the signal changing? and that’s not all...because let’s takea closer look at those signs...like this one here that says diddy’s mart...and it’sapparently located on dixie street, which just so happens to be this street based onthe street sign...and speaking of dixie, she even gets her own theater too on that samestreet. wait a second...diddy and dixie...as in thekongs? and we’re just getting started!
and we don’t just mean the fact that dixiehas her own theater on that same street. no, we mean even more kongs! if we freeze the trailer at the very startwe can see a sign for tiny’s piroshkis--tiny being tiny kong from donkey kong 64. who knew she got into the russian pie business? then right across the street is a sign forsomething that says candy’s...as in candy kong. which is a name we haven’t seen in a verylong time. and just in front of that is another signfor a shop called banana bagels--and of course,
the kongs love their bananas. then right next to the dixie st sign is anotherfor crank st, as in cranky kong. and across the street is one for squawks park--asin squawks the animal buddy. and speaking of animal buddies, elsewherein the city, we can see a street sign for expresso, the ostrich as well as one for rambithe rhino.and right next to his is one for k rool, as in king k room, being the mainvillain of the donkey kong games. huuuuh. so between all these connections to donkeykong country, we’re pretty confident the “donk†in new donk city is short for the“donkey†in “donkey kong.â€
and to sell that idea even further, we cansee red girders throughout the city just like in the original donkey kong arcade game. and speaking of which, did you notice thelicense plates on the cabs all say 1981-nd. nd obviously stands for new donk, but 1981is the release year of the original donkey kong arcade game. so what the heck’s going on here? now donkey kong’s been a part of mario eversince...well, the original donkey kong. but they’ve never crossed-paths again inthe mainline mario games...until now. it’s almost like the series has come full-circle--exceptthis time donkey kong brought the whole dkc
crew with him--or at least references to them. now you might be asking yourself...what theheck is dk and the rest of the crew from donkey kong country doing in a big city like this? well, it’s easy to forget that donkey kongdidn’t get his start in the jungles of dk island, but instead in the construction siteof a literal big city, as made clear in the pseudo remake, donkey kong 94, where the locationwas literally called “big-city.†and that city might have gone on to reappearin donkey kong land the following year, but this time called “big ape city.†so could new donk city possibly be the samecity?
maybe, though the name would have had to havechanged at some point. either way, it’s clear donkey kong has abit of a history when it comes to cities. and the fact that new donk city seems to benamed after him, strongly suggest donkey kong has a major influence here. is he the mayor or something? is this where the entire donkey kong crewhangs out now? or are they just references for the sake ofbeing references? after all, outside of signs and text, there’sno sign of them at all other. which is pretty weird right?
okay that’s enough about dk and the otherkongs for now...let’s talk about the city itself a bit. and we can see it’s basically a jungle gymfor mario, with him able to nimbly make his way around, effortlessly climbing buildingsby jumping between them, clambering up light poles and flinging himself from street lights,or carefully climbing across the ledge of a building--he can even use taxi cabs as mobiletrampolines for a jump-assist. the entire city is like a giant play-placefor mario--almost like he was born here! and by the way, did you notice how the taxi’strunk and hood pops open briefly exposing the engine when mario bounces off one?
it’s a neat touch--though that cabbie’sgoing to be pissed if insurance doesn’t pick that up. at one point, we even see mario long-jumpoff the tower as a quick way of reaching the and it’s during that jump that we get amazingand revealing view of the city. such as how we can see several of the buildingsto the top-right have rooftop gardens or parks. we can also see some blue tarps or somethingon several of the rooftops, as well as on the girders to either side and on the groundover here--which we actually get a close-up look at in this scene, seemingly confirmingit as a tarp--so can mario bounce off them maybe?
or are they hiding something of interest underneath? anyways, the view from up here is so goodin fact, that we were able to stitch together a picture that offers a nearly complete lookat the city--so complete in fact that we can use it to map out where every single cityscene takes place. so let’s go ahead and start going throughit scene-by-scene, pointing out details you might have missed, while mapping it all outat the same time, breath of the wild-style. (yeah, we take our analyses very seriously). okay, so the trailer of course opens up witha taxi speeding past the camera--at a speed much faster than every other cab in the city.
you can even hear it squealing around thecorner ahead and see its weight shifts onto the outside tires--what the heck is its deal? is it trying to get away from something? and did you notice that as it speeds past,it actually blows some gravel around, which you can even hear! that’s a pretty impressive detail! mario then jumps onto the scene from a manholeimmediately after, which just so happens to be down the street from that empire statebuilding-like tower--which, as it turns out, is the tower mario leaped from that gave usthat amazing view.
so if we go to our map, that tower is righthere at the bottom, and the manhole mario pops out of is at the opposite end right here. so let’s go ahead and mark that manholewith a mario head indicating his starting point--and here’s a little arrow to showthe direction that the camera’s facing. now we can see that the spot mario entersfrom is basically at the edge of the world with almost nothing behind it--which is prettyinteresting considering the fact that mario takes off in that very direction after hepops out of the manhole. why? is he chasing after that taxi, perhaps?
that taxi was trying to get away in a hurry,suggesting it might have something or someone of importance inside. then again, maybe mario’s trying to getto his airship, which can be found on a building just across the gap that he’s running toward. except for one problem--we can see that shipfly by at the very start of the trailer--just seconds before mario appears. meaning it hasn’t landed yet. so what’s the deal here? has mario not met up with the ship and themagic hat yet?
why else would it be flying by itself? to add credence to this idea, we can see acolumn of light shining from the airship in the scene where mario jumps from the tower--andthis is the only time in the entire trailer that the airship glows like at all, whichstrongly suggest it’s an objective mario hasn’t yet reached--at all. so we’re guessing that getting to that airshipmight be one of mario’s first objectives. and if that’s the case, that would alsolikely mean that this scene takes place near the start of the game, and that this levelmight be where mario first meets up with the hat and the airship.
new donk city does seem like it would makesense as an introductory level, in that there are no enemies to be found here at all--well,not yet at least--but more on that in a bit. and by the way, did you notice that even thoughthe manhole drops back down, it doesn't actually return to its spot, leaving the hole exposed? could this hint that the sewers might be animportant part in getting around--kind of like how they were in mario sunshine delfinoplaza? there are manholes all over the place afterall. at any rate, the road between here and thetower that the taxi raced down is cranky street, which we can tell by the street sign righthere.
and right next to that is dixie st, beingthis roadway right here--which is where all those donkey kong-themed businesses we pointedout were located. but there’s one more we have mentioned yet--agiant banner for crazy cap. except we don’t think it’s just a banner--butthe store itself, since it looks like there’s an entrance made of glass just below, completewith a scrolling sign below that says “go cap crazy!†i mean, come on--this has to be a place wheremario can swap hats, right?! and it seems to be a fitting location beingnot just close to where mario pops out of, but also close to the airship’s landingpad too.
now right next to the crazy cap store is alight bulb with an electrical symbol on it--and it’s connected via a wire or pole to anotherjust above. that electric symbol is just like the onewe spotted in the desert town back in the original switch reveal trailer. this seems to suggest that electricity willplay some kind of role in the game. so we’re pretty sure you can interact withit in some way--we’re just not entirely sure how. maybe one of the hats you can get at crazycap is the key? now to the right of mario, we can see somegrass--which as it turns out, is part of an
entire park in the corner here, as shown onour map. and we’re pretty darn sure that park iscalled squawks park based on the squawks park street sign for the adjacent street--a streetwhich, by the way, appears to wrap around the entire park. and that park is exactly where the rope-skippingscene takes place--see, there’s the street sign, and the tower at the end of cranky street. and speaking of cranky street, quite a fewof the clips either take place either on it, or near it. which makes sense seeing as it’s a majorthroughway.
so first up is this scene that shows mariorunning away from the tower, toward the manhole he popped out of. so let’s go ahead and mark this on the mapas location 2--and again, here’s an arrow showing the direction the camera’s facing now if we pause it here, we can see anotherlight in the back that also has an electrical symbol on it, like the one before--and inthis scene, we can see that it too is connected to another light on the rooftop via a wire. so what are those about? at any rate, we’ll mark this as location3 on our map.
this next clip shows mario just a little furtherdown cranky street, facing toward the tower, and facing away from where he came from. see, there’s the manhole he popped out of,and we can see the airship on the building behind that, complete with the column of light. so we’ll mark this as location 4. and do you see that street sign down there? that’s expresso street, which is this roadon the map. but we’ll get back to that in a second. now at the start of the clip, we can see arooftop with a water tower and some construction
barrels--which is the exact rooftop that marioleaps form in this scene to reach another building--specifically, these two buildingson the map--so we’ll mark this as location 5. you can even see the water tower and constructionsbarrels from here. and while we’re looking at out map, takenote the red girders hanging off the right side, because they’re the same girders wecan see in the background of this scene, which offers us a better look at expresso street--eventhough mario isn’t on it himself. instead, he’s wall-jumping between thesetwo buildings on the map--and yep, one of them’s the one he lept to in the previousclip.
so let’s mark this as location 6. also, we can also just barely see a checkpointflag on the building in the back, by the water tower, which is right here on the map. this next clip takes us back to ground levelon cranky street with mario flinging himself toward the base of the tower--which puts itright here oh the map as location 7. and we can see that the tower has a rathergrand-looking entrance, complete with a plaza. now it’s tough to see the words writtenin the grass here, but if we go back to this scene, we can see it says new donk city, andhas the same skyline logo as on the banners earlier.
and just behind it is another checkpoint flagin the center of the plaza, meaning this is probably a pretty important area. but we’ll have a lot more to say about thetower in a couple minutes--but let’s finish up our tour of the city first. so next up is this clip that shows mario runningalong the left side of the tower’s plaza, toward cranky s. we can even see the checkpointflag in the tower plaza here. so that would put mario right about here onthe map as location 8. unfortunately, we weren’t able to figureout what the name of this street is, since the sign is impossible to read in every shotof it.
but this next shot on the opposite side ofthe plaza is a bit more fruitful. so for reference, that’s the tower rightthere and the checkpoint flag, putting mario right about here on the map as location 9. and that clip reveals two more street names. the street mario’s on is rambi, which we’reassuming runs from here up to cranky street. and the cross street mario turns on to iskrool, which connects to espresso. this area is also where the woman with thelaptop is working that we pointed out earlier, just at the base of the tower. and keep a close eye on the construction pylonhere--it actually wiggles as mario runs past,
showing they’re interactive. now we get a top-down view of rambi streetin this shot with mario climbing along the edge of this building, just across from thetower--see, there’s the tower plaza right down there. which we’ll mark as being location 10 onour map. now it is worth noting how thick that ledgeis, which we’re guessing means he won’t be able to clamber along the smaller onesbelow--although we can see another thick one near the base. alright, there’s only one more city sceneto place!
and this one’s pretty self-explanatory,as mario takes off in his airship from the very same location we’ve already pointedout, being this building in the back. and based on the angle, we can see that theairship has its back to the city. see, there’s the tower, cranky street, andright about there should be the manhole that mario popped out of. and when the airship takes off, we can seethat it had landed on an actual helipad. cool. but here’s a question...how the heck doyou get to or from the airship here? that’s quite a gap from the main city.
granted, the helipad appears to be high enoughthat you might to jump from it to the main city--but what about getting back? or getting to it for the first time? well in this case, our only guess is thatthe red girders are involved in some way--we can see they lead from the helipad to a towerseemingly made of out of the same red steel as the girders--maybe mario can use the sewersto reach the base of that tower that he then climb to the airship? we’re just spitballing. and then there’s the red block on the buildingover here too--what’s that about?
and speaking of girders, how do the ones onthe left and ride sides of the city factor in? the ones on the left appear to lead down toa platform at city-level with a blue tarp. whereas the ones on the right seem a lot moreambitious, stretching beyond what we can see, although we can see another blue tarp theretoo. do those girders lead anywhere important? however, we do get another look at those girdersin this scene, showing some gold coins inside, which suggests that mario can walk throughsome of them. okay, so we’re almost done with our generaloverview, but there’s a few more interesting
things to point out before we move on. so first up: this is clearly a bustling city,with pedestrians everywhere and taxis roaming the streets. except it may not be quite as bustling asit seems--and no, not just because every single vehicle a taxi. what’s the deal with that anyway--does noone own a personal car here? at any rate, it looks like those taxis reallyget around town, as they’re visible in almost every scene. but as it turns out, their range may not bequite as robust as it seems--and not just
because the majority of streets are one-way. instead, it seems the taxis follow a strictpattern with extremely limited movement. let’s take cranky st for example, whichis a major 2-way arterial...or is it? well, as it turns out, the cars mostly onlydrive down it one direction--away from the tower, effectively making it a 1-way street. and we have this jerk to thank for it--hedecided to park his taxi right in the middle of the road! yep, he doesn’t move at all, as it’s alwaysin the exact same spot in every scene, such as here, here, and here.
and since it doesn’t move, there’s noway for cars to get past it--and no cars attempt to do so either--effectively making it a deadroad. but hold-up what about the taxi right here--it’sclearly heading up cranky st toward the tower--that is, until it turns onto squawks park--whichis a 1-way road. so our guess it that this one taxi simplycircles the park...endlessly. we can even see it turning onto that samestreet in a few other clips again and again. yeah that's a little weird--in a nice touch,the cab driver does actually use his turn signal. huh, i guess this isn’t really like newyork at all!
okay, so if cranky street isn’t a proper2-way road--is there one that is? as it turns out: yes! expresso st--which is the only true 2-wayroad here. we can see taxis from rambi street turningalmost directly onto it, as other cabs turn off of it to head down cranky--and this isthe only time where 2 moving cars will pass each other. those northbound cars then all presumablyturn onto dixie st, both because we can see one doing that in this scene...but also becausethere’s nowhere else for them to go, because of that taxi right there, which is also parkedand going nowhere, as confirmed in this scene.
and since that taxi’s right behind wheremario pops out of the manhole--could it possibly be the same taxi that made the getaway atthe start? at any rate, the cars that turn onto dixiethen almost certainly turn down whichever street this is--which unfortunately, is oneof the few that we don’t get a close-up look at. and that mystery street leads to expressostreet, where the cars will turn right, passing those who turned from rambi, before returningto crank st in a presumably endless circle. and speaking of circles, we expect the sameof the cars turning from rambi onto espresso, before turning onto krool, which we can seehere, which connects back to rambi.
okay, so that covers most of the streets...exceptfor this one left of the tower, which we weren’t able to see a name for. and as it turns out, this one also has a parkedtaxi blocking the way--which we verified doesn’t move in this scene, making this street anotherdead one--which makes sense since there’s no way for cars to reach it from cranky stbecause of that other parked cab--plus there’s nowhere for them to go, except off the cliffthere. oh, and in case you’re wondering--yes thetaxi on the opposite side here is also parked too, confirming no cars will be going thatway either. so as you can see, the taxi’s seem to allhave a set path that--as far as we can tell--they
don’t stray from. which raises the question of why anyone takeone of these taxi’s anyway if they’ll only get you a quarter-block away...whatever,they’re more for mario’s benefit than anyone else’s since they serve as roamingtrampolines for him to reach other areas. like those green firescapes that we can seescattered all over the city. now fire escapes aren’t normally that brightlycolored--so we’re pretty sure that’s by design to draw your attention, and that they’reessential in mario getting around and climbing these buildings. in addition, we can see they’ll sometimeshave collectible purple coins themselves--as
well as wooden crates that might be able tobe broken into? but even though the taxi’s have predictablepatterns, they do react to what’s going on around them, in that they’ll stop ifanyone’s in their path--including mario. another key difference from new york! and you can even see how the taxi’s weightshifts realistically during a sudden stop--neat! okay, before we move on, let’s talk aboutthe people real quick--and they’re everywhere! roaming around, crossing streets, using alaptop, or playing jump rope in the park. now we don’t see mario interact with themtoo much directly--but nintendo has confirmed in a japanese stream that he’ll be ableto bounce off them, similar to the taxis.
ouch! beyond that, we can see a woman raise herarm as mario runs past--we’re just not sure if it’s an idle animation or in reactionto mario---but it either case, it at least shows that the citizens will have animationsbeyond just walking around. and with that we’re finally done coveringthe city...during the day time. because as it turns out, mario will be exploringthat same city at night too--and it looks dramatically different. it’s dark, it’s storming, and there arenow enemies! yep, it’s quite the tonal shift!
and it raises the question of what exactlyis going on here--is there a true day/night cycle here? or is it based on which mission you’ve selected,kind of like pianta village in mario sunshine? we’re pretty sure it’s the latter option,because the changes seem to be too significant to be gradual. plus we only ever see the city at two timesof day with nothing in between, suggesting it’s binary and one of those changes is the fact thatsigns have been posted everywhere advertising the wedding of bowser & peach, which mightsuggest peach was kidnapped after or during
mario’s initial foray into the city--sincethings seem pretty relaxed during the day.. and where did all the citizens go? did bowser kidnap them too? or are they just hiding indoors? regardless of what exactly is happening, we’venever seen a world in mario change this dramatically before, which could also hint at a radicallydifferent structure than before--like what if events in one world affect the progressionof another? again, we’re just spitballing. at any rate, the end of the trailer revealsthat a giant mechanical centipede boss awaits
mario at the top of the tower at night--andit instantly knocks mario off of it. now does that always happen in this case,or can mario actually fight back? i mean, we’re pretty sure mario will atsome point since those 10 bulbs look awfully vulnerable--we’re just now sure if now’sthe time, especially since there doesn’t seem to be much room up here for a properbattle! so with mario being knocked off, is it possiblethe airship comes to mario’s rescue here? well, probably not since we can see it rightdown there below--parked exactly where it’s supposed to be--so mario better brace forimpact. also, the airship is no longer glowing, whichseems to confirm that mario has already encountered
it. but here’s a question: how did mario getto the top of the tower anyway? the easy answer is that he went in throughthe front door--after all, we can see it is open during the daytime scene. and in this scene, we can see a couple ofadditional doors at each main of the main levels. which might be how he was able to jump fromthe top for that awesome view except we’re pretty sure it won’t workthe same way at night--because we can actually see the base of the tower at night and thedoor’s slammed shut.
huh. and yes, this is in fact the base of the tower,with mario battling the enemies in the plaza--looks quite a bit different at night, doesn’tit? especially since it's now bordered by a giantcrate on one side bearing a bowser wedding poster. and then there’s the fact the tower is nowguarded by these tank-enemies that shoot bullets--and it seems those bullets will explode into confettiwhenever they land a hit. wow, that’s quite a juxtaposition isn’tit! celebratory bullet--who would have thought.
so based on the confetti, the party hats thetanks are wearing, and the general somber tone--does that mean the wedding’s imminent? i mean, the posters do seem to be plasteredeverywhere, as we can see mario looking up at a different one in another scene. unfortunately, these are the only 3 scenesof the city at night which raises more questions than answers... however, nintendo also released a screenshoton the same storm night that offers a few more details. first up--goombas are back baby, includinga pair of stacked ones in the back.
and look, the ones closer to the camera areeven wearing bowser construction hats--as if there were any doubt of who they’re workingfor. and i love how shocked the one here looks,as compared to his chill coworker. now are those hats just for looks--or do theyserve an actual purpose, like protecting the goombas from being stomped. and speaking of hats,, hats sure does seemto be a pretty heavy theme doesn’t it? we have 1950’s hats, party hats, and nowconstruction hats in this level alone. is it possible any of those hats might beavailable at the crazy cap store? like what if the construction what allowedmario to move the girders around--that would
explain how he could reach the airship. but here’s something interesting--this sceneis taking place on a series of girders. the same girders, as it turns out, that wepointed out earlier on the right side of the map--which are also the same ones from thiswall-jumping scene--look you can even see the same coins inside the girder we mentionedearlier. so if the girders were already here duringthe day, what the heck are the construction goombas doing? do they work during the night to build evenmore or something? now this picture also shows that the girderhere is being suspended from something above--perhaps
a crane? so is it possible there might be other platformssuspended by a crane that mario can use to reach the tower? we think it’s possible, especially becausewe might even see a hint of it in the trailer. check this out. if we go back to this scene and slow it down,we can just barely see a couple of suspended girders appear around the tower for just afew frames as mario gets close. look--you can even see the wires holding themup--and they appear to be moving. in addition, there’s a platform just belowspanning the tower and a nearby building,
which might come in useful if mario falls. and then we can see a staircase on the rightside of the tower that mario might be able to use to begin his ascent. so taken altogether, could be just how mariowill climb the tower at night too? but what’s interesting that that can’tactually see what’s supporting the girders in fact, if we go back to our map, we cansee a similarly suspended girder on the right, except that--once again--there’s no signof anything supporting it. weird! do they just float out there, or are we notclose enough to see what’s holding them
up? now there’s just one more scene from thetrailer that we haven’t placed yet--this one. but as it turns out, this poster might bethe same one we can see in the background of this screenshot--it appears to span thewidth of the building in both after all. and with that, we’ve finally mapped outwhere every scene in the trailer takes place--but there are a few final details i want to pointout before we move on. so first up: have you noticed just how prominentthe moon is. not only can we see it at various points inthe city, both during the day and night--but
it’s even in new donk city’s logo. does it have any special significance? or does it just play into the night themethe level has? well, we’ll have a lot more thoughts onthat toward the end of the analysis then there are a few small details i noticedthat i had nowhere else to put. such as the fact that we can actually seeinside the taxi’s...well sort of. if you look close, you can see the rearviewmirror through the front windshield. neat. now this next one isn’t quite as impressive--becausei noticed that if you watch some of the citizens
in the background, you can see they run ata much choppier frame rate. it’s one of those necessary sacrifices tokeep the game running at what appears to be a smooth 60fps. and as part of that, we also noticed the citizenhere pops out of existence as another objects fades in. finally, we have something a little more important--becauseas you might recall, we pointed out two separate checkpoint flags in this stage--which is alittle weird considering most mario levels only contain one. and there’s a third checkpoint if you countthe one that can always be found on mario’s
airship too! and there could possibly be even more thatwe simply can’t see. now typically, checkpoints are linear--youactivate one, and then continue onto the next but how does that work in a sandbox game whereyou can seemingly activate them in any order? well, for that, i think super mario makeroffers a clue--as it allows you to setup 2 checkpoints per level. and once you activate one, it deactivatesthe other if you’ve already triggered it. and i have a feeling that’s going to bethe exact case in super mario odyssey too. and we’re guessing that’s why the airshiphas one--it’s probably automatically triggered
at the start of the level so that you startthere if you die. but hold-up--you always start at the beginningof the level in mario if you die--so why the need for a checkpoint flag? well in this case, with the levels being non-linear,there may be times that the start points where the starting point is actually closer to yourobjective than where the other checkpoints are located. meaning you can trigger it to start thereinstead of another one you may have already activated now there’s one more mystery involving thecheckpoints, but for that, we have to go to
an entirely different level. so let’s switch it up and take the gamexplainairship over to the desert level--which by the way, we can see an ad for in new donkcity right here. and this desert level also happens to be thesame level nintendo had briefly shown off in the initial switch reveal trailer. okay, so a quick overview: the desert levelconsists of 3 main sections: the small mexican-like town, the ruins beyond, and that giant upsidedown pyramid behind and to the right of the ruins. and there’s arguably a couple more pointsof interest that aren’t quite as obvious.
so for now, let’s start with the town area,especially since that also seems to be where mario starts, as his airship lands just outsideof town. plus i really want to talk about that thatcheckpoint issue. ...okay, so when the level begins, we cansee there’s still a checkpoint on the airship--as expected. but here’s the weird thing: there’s anothercheckpoint right by the town entrance--it’s super close! doesn’t that seem a bit redundant? i mean, it would save mario like 10 secondstops if he spawned there after dying instead
of at the ship? it doesn’t make any sense...unless, theairship doesn’t always start here, which would make that checkpoint a lot more meaningful. in other words,this may be evidence that theairship won’t always land at the same location, and may have multiple landing spots in somelevels. so maybe it changes depending on which missionyou select, or maybe you unlock different landing points as you explore? it would make a lot of sense to be able tochoose where to start in worlds as big as this desert seems to be!
but there’s one more thing about the checkpointhere--and perhaps the checkpoints in this level in general, that i want to point out. the pole is green, instead of being gold likeall the others in new donk city, and even the one on the airship here. does this mean the checkpoint flags are coloredto match the level? unfortunately, we don’t see checkpointsin any other levels to verify, but if that is the case, that makes the connection betweenthe airship and new donk city even stronger since they’re the only places confirmedwith the gold checkpoint poles. okay that’d enough about checkpoints!
so mario rolls into a small town which appearsto be themed to the mexican holiday day of the dead, with festive floral decorationsall over the place and the citizens appear to be dressed for the occasion as skeletons...orperhaps rather: they are skeletons! in either case, their skulls are decoratedcolorfully and even the eyes on some of them appear to be shaped like flowers. and several of them are dancing around shakingmaracas too--so festive! but there’s something else odd about thecitizens--they appear to be dressed like mario, with the same white gloves and identical brownshoes. that’s a little weird!
and they also seem to be wearing sombreros--couldthe fact that they’re dressed as mario be a hint that mario might be able to wear asombrero himself? and on that topic--that citizen here justso happens to be standing right in front of this level’s crazy cap shop. which like in new donk city, is located nearthe airship at the start of the level. there’s even a scene of mario entering itconfirming it as a legitimate business, though it unfortunately cuts away before we can seewhat’s inside. but we can’t help but wonder if the standoutside might offer a clue--as we can several different headpieces on display.
from top to bottom, they are a baseball cap,like in the shop’s logo, a top hat, an explorer’s hat, a football helmet, and a sombrero, likethe ones the citizens are wearing--except these ones are all purple. oh and by the way, did you notice there seemsto be a little hat on the lamp right outside too now even though we don’t get a view insidethe shop, we do see one on top of it, with mario bouncing off an umbrella to reach therooftop. and right away, we get a close-up look atthe purple collectibles coins...wait a second, i mean triangles.
and not even that, upside down triangles,which matches the upside down pyramid. so as it turns out, the purple collectiblesare unique in each level: they’re upside pyramids here, coins in new donk city, cogsin the forest, and something roundish in the volcano level--unfortunately we don’t geta close-up look at them to be able to say for sure. maybe grapes? anyways, the key takeaway here is that thepurple collectibles are unique to each level--which is something we’ve never seen before ina 3d mario game. what this means is that the purple collectiblesin every level serves a similar purpose, but
that they likely aren’t cross-compatiblewith each other.meaning the upside down triangles won’t work in the city, and vice-versa. come on nintendo, i thought the switch wasregion free! so what are these for anyway? are they perhaps currency for each level’scrazy cap? they do match the shop’s purple color schemeafter all. heck, there are even purple triangles on thesombrero right outside. but then again, maybe they tie into a greaterobjective--specifically the pyramid in this case, since they are shaped like it afterall.
we should mention too that we can see otherupside down triangles too, including on the cart right outside the ship, or as part ofa building’s paint job. yeah, it seems to be a common theme. so maybe that upside down pyramid isn’treally upside down after all...from a certain point of view. from the rooftop, we also get a view of theleft side of the crazy cap building--and if you look close, you can see posters for bowser’s& peach’s wedding too! man, word travels pretty quick! the roof also gives us a better view of thetown center, including what seems to be another
building mario can enter based on the door. and check this out, if we zoom in, we cansee a sign that has the 3-up moon on it--3 of them in fact! this item was first seen in super mario worldand awards 3 1-ups for finding it--so could that be a confirmation that lives return hereas well? but what does it mean in this specific case--couldthis be a minigame, where you cash in coins for a chance to win lives? then there are the powerlines here, whichwe have a sneaking suspicion mario will be able to bounce on like the cables like inmario sunshine.
which could come in useful for reaching theother rooftops, as more townsfolk and collectibles can be found on them, as we’ve pointed outbefore. and speaking of power lines, we can see inthis shot that they have the same electric symbol as in new donk city--which might meanthat mario may not want to bounce off of them while they’re flowing with electricity! okay, now there’s also the matter of thefountain in the center...which is completely frozen over. and it’s not alone--as ice can be foundeverywhere, including on the powerlines, the corner of the roof here, the entire buildingleft of crazy cap and all over the ruins behind
the town too. now none of this is new if you watched ourour previous analysis, but we do get a better idea of how much ice there is given that there’smore behind the right side of town, and even more by the airship, including some ice thatsomehow has sand on top of it--perhaps suggesting that the ice has been here for quite sometime. now the obvious question is--where did allthis ice come from? deserts are deserts because they’re ratherdry...and why isn’t that ice melting in the heat? well, it might be because the ice seems tobe cooling the area, as we can see mario shivering
in this scene, which we’re guessing is hisidle animation when in cool areas like in mario 64. okay, granted, this scene is taking placeat night and are well-known for being rather cold then. however, nintendo released a screenshot showingmario doing the same shiver animation--but during the day! yep, it really is cold here! so if we had to guess, we’re pretty suremario will be able to melt that ice in some way in order to restore the town to its formerglory.
especially because the ice does appear tobe blocking access to quite a few things--such as the purple collectibles literally frozeninside the fountain, basically confirming it’ll be melt at some point. and by the way, did you notice the townsfolkjumping around for attention here? it seems he has something really importantto say--could it be related to all the ice? or maybe it’s some kind of side-mission? alright, there isn’t too much more to sayabout the town that we haven’t covered before--so let’s move on to the ruins located justbeyond the town. and the first scene that takes place theirshows mario throwing his hat and bouncing
off of it to reach the ledge above. now at first, it looks like the exact samemaneuver that we saw in the city, with mario using it to cross a gap. but in that case, he actively jumped on it,whereas this time, it looks like he just runs into it, before being thrown into a forwardflip. but we think he may still have had to jumpinstead of it being automatic, because in another city scene, we see mario throw thecap, then simply pick it back up without being launched off of it and while we’re here, if we look to thebackground, we can see a face is carved into
the wall--which is something that’s repeatedthroughout the ruins. he must be pretty important... now i have a question for you: does this arealook familiar at all? as it turns out, it’s the exact same areashown off in the initial reveal. there are the same gold rings hovering overa gap next to a bullet bill launcher--we’re just on the opposite side of the gap thistime! so as a quick reminder, mario will have torun along this walkway, past the bullet bill, and cross the gap via the moving platform. but hold up--do you remember that rumblingsand we noted before?
at the time, we didn’t know what it was--buti figured it out soon after and never followed-up. because if we zoom in on the gamepad fromthe reveal trailer, we can see it’s actually a sand geiser--so we’re guessing that mightbe how you grab those golden rings in the gap. before we move on, this older scene providesa good reminder of how much ice can be found on the ruins itself. and then there’s the heart piece over herethat we we pointed out in our past analysis. now back then we theorized it restored mario’shealth meter, like in mario 64, and that seems to be even more the case now that we knowthis game’s a successor of sorts.
but here’s something odd--there are no similarhearts to be found anywhere in the new trailer. perhaps they’re simply not that common! also, do you remember that red bump over here--well,based on the new scene, we can now confirm it’s just a pile of sand. but wait a second...there’s something missinghere...actually, two things! yep, the cactuses that were here before aregone now--huh, so apparently they can be destroyed! anyways, after mario bounces off his hat tothe ledge above, we can just barely see some pillars with a checkpoint flag right out infront. so for those keeping track at home, that’sthe level’s 2nd checkpoint flag so far,
not counting the one on the airship. we also get a glimpse of the pyramid in thedistance, as well as a good look at the tower here--the same tower that you can easily seefrom town, including the glowing spot on top. but how do you get up there? well, if we go to this scene, we can see thatsame area from a distance--there’s the checkpoint flag right and the 4 columns behind it. and if we look behind them, we can see a greenpipe, that presumably will take mario to the other one up here--so he’s closer, there’sstill a ways to go. is he just cable to climb up the side of thetower or something?
could there be more on the backside? or maybe those floating platforms have somethingto do with it? and we actually get a better look at thoseplatforms if we freeze the previous scene right here--because we can now see they’reall connected via some kind of wire, with additional wires extending below too, possiblyto the ground. what are those about? well, another next scene might reveal theirpurpose, as we can see mario riding a platform that’s moving along a similar wire. and in the background?
yep, that’s the top of the tower--and wecan see the glowing column of light is in fact marking a checkpoint. making this the level’s 3rd checkpoint--or4th if you count the airship. but here’s a question. are these the same platforms we were justtalking about or different ones. because the ones before were laid out in adiagonal fashion--where the ones here are in a straight line. so at first, we thought they were two entirelydifferent sets. but here’s the thing: there’s no evidenceof their being two different sets--we only
ever see a single set of platforms at a time. so instead, based on the order of the platforms,being two flat ones followed by a triangular one--they seem to be the same. especially given the fact their general locationseems to be identical. because just as we could see them and thepyramid in this scene--we can see the opposite from up here, with the pyramid to the leftand the checkpoint flag far below, next to the same 4 columns. so maybe whatever’s holding up the wirerises at some point to change the angle of the blocks from being diagonal into a straightline?
but where is that platform going anyway? we can see it’s moving away from the tower--wejust can’t see what’s on the other side, except for the 3 purple collectibles justpast the triangular platform. anyways, while we’re up here, we get a glimpseof a couple of new enemies--or at least one’s definitely an enemy, being thiese hoveringmetallic things that launch shockwaves that can destroy the blocks on top of the platforms,revealing coins. and we can see another in the back gearingup to do the same thing. what we’re not sure about are these drone-likethings nearby we’re not sure, but they don’t seem to do much of anything right now.
could they be responsible for the wire changingheight? now before the blocks are destroyed, we cansee a couple of different designs on them. one depicts a jewel or emerald, similar toones seen on the walls in town. could that be another type of collectiblehere? the other design is a bit harder to read--italmost looks like a face maybe, with 3 diamond or square-shaped objects below it... finally, let’s take a look at the platformitself that mari’s riding on, because it actually depicts the upside down pyramid--oris it right side up? it’s actually entirely a matter of perspective--butat the least it’s a pyramid.
but perhaps more interestingly are the columnof arrows pointing toward the base--or is it top? whatever’s the case, it’s making us wonderif the collectible purple arrows have something to do with that pyramid--like turning it rightsideup for instance? especially because, if we take a close lookat those collectible purple arrows--we can see they share the exact same diagram as onthat platform. in either case, we’ll have more on the pyramidvery soon. for now, let’s go back to this scene, whichtakes place to the right of the ruins just in front of the pyramid.
and there’s a couple of big things to note. for one, there’s a couple of treasure chestshere--which are the only two in the trailer. now at first, you might think this suggeststhat there’s some hidden keys to find. and that could very well be the case! but we should mention that chests have appearedin the 3d games before--in mario 64 they would open automatically if done in the right order,and in super mario galaxy, you could use a shell to pop them open. so it’s entirely possible something similaris the case this time too okay, now let’s finally talk about the elephant--orshould we say lion in the room.
because we can see mario catch a ride on onefor a quick trip across the desert. except it’s not just a lion--but what appearsto be a living statue, since it has no eyes. it obviously evokes the idea of a sphinx. or perhaps more specifically, the gao enemiesfrom super mario land way back when. now it doesn’t seem like these guys willappear just anywhere--but instead perhaps only at the labeled taxi stands which evenhave their face on them. and it’s even wearing a sombrero--is itpossible that plays some role here? and there’s actually a 2nd taxi stand justoutside of town, which we actually spotted back in our first analysis--although it lookeda bit different then, lacing a face.
but interestingly, the one in town doesn’tseem to have a lion just waiting around, so maybe you need to summon it first, perhapsby interacting with the sign or sitting on the nearby bench? although, in the night clip of the town, wecan actually see a lion already waiting by the taxi stand, which mario is nowhere closeto. so maybe you have to unlock them first? or maybe mario summoned him and then justdecided to bail on the ride. in either case, the taxi stand seems to belit at night, which is nice! but let’s go back to this scene--becausewhere the heck is mario going?
the next clip makes it look like the pyramid--butthat’s in the opposite direction, behind him! now for reference, there’s the town andmario’s airship--but we can see there’s something else out. and the opening scene of the trailer revealsa little more--that there are palm trees nearby! and look, we can even see the platform withthe taxi stand way out there in the distance, including the two treasure chests. now we also get a better look at that mysteriousarea back in this platform scene, with it visible way down there, with several palmtrees and what might be a building or wall
of some kind in a dug out portion of the desertthat appears to extend to the left too. is it an oasis maybe? we can’t wait to find out what’s there! and while we’re on this scene, we can seewhat appears to be a ravine separating the land from the rest of the desert beyond, perhapsshowing the limits of where you’ll be able to go in this area--at least on one side. and then there’s the purple lake down there? is that poisonous? and it appears to surround the island thathas the taxi on it stand.
so is the lion the only way to get throughit? and while we’re here, we noticed a rampleading to the ruins from what seems to be the town--is that where mario first entersthe ruins? at any rate, the scene cuts away before thelion gets any closer to that distant mysterious area--but the next scene does reveal a bitmore about the lion itself. for one, based on its erratic movements, itseems like mario will have full control over him. and it seems like he has some kind of clawattack too--except we’re not sure what purpose it serves seeing as he destroys the enemyhere just by running into him.
so it might not be an attack--because it insteadseems to give the lion speed-boost, as the lion launches into a sprint. and let’s take a closer look at those enemieshere, which appear to be the undead--we’ve certainly never them before! except wait a second...their skulls looksawfully similar to the townsfolk, right down to the 3 teeth. and the stars in their eyes, even matchessome of villagers too. so could the townsfolk and the enemies beone and the same? we have only seen those enemies at night afterall.
but if we go back to this scene of the townat night, we can see the townsfolk still appear to be normal there--so maybe the enemies arejust their undead ancestors or something? which would make sense with the apparent dayof the dead theme... anyways, there’s one big thing we haven’ttouched on yet--the fact that there’s also a day and night cycle here too, like in newdonk city. and just like before, we only ever see itas either day or night and nothing in between, again suggesting it’s a binary state insteadof a gradual one. so did something trigger the change? we have no idea--except for this potentiallyinteresting tidbit.
when mario first hops on the lion, it’sday time--and he’s dashing toward that distant mysterious palm tree place. but in the next scene, it’s night--and he’sheading in the opposite direction away from the mystery spot. for reference, there’s the taxi stop thatmario got the lion at, and there’s the checkpoint with the 4 pillars in the ruins. does that mean whatever happened in the mysteriouspalm tree area triggered the night scene? but it’s also possible the scenes have noconnection at all but there’s something else different aboutthe night version: the pyramid’s levitated
into the air! and it appears this way in every single nightscene as opposed to the day clips where it’s always resting at ground level. there’s even a scene showing it happen,which means this be the chronologically of the night scenes--although again, we’renot sure what caused it to happen--could it possibly be tied to that mysterious palm treearea too? and while we’re here, we can see a faceon it just like the pillar--and it’s right side up--again suggesting that perhaps thepyramid isn’t actually upside down now after it levitates, we can see there’sa glowing beacon of light appears just beneath
it--possibly pointing to a checkpoint likealmost all of the other beacons. and by the way, there’s something a littledifferent about this pyramid--i mean, besides it being upside down and floating in the sky. because real-life egyptian pyramids have 4sides, not counting the base--which means you can only ever see two sides of at a timefrom ground level. and yet, we can see 3 here--meaning this pyramidone has have at least 5 sides. so that’s a bit unusual. and on top of that--literally--there are lionstatues resting on some of the corners of the pyramids--but not every corner.
there are the two here, with a gap betweenthem, but in another scene, we can see two lions in neighboring corners--suggesting theremay be at least 3 of them up there in total. or maybe it suggests something else...suchas the lion’s perhaps not being a permanent fixture so are these lions just for decoration, orare they alive like the ones at the taxi stands? or could they even be one and the same, perhapsexplaining why one’s missing from the corner here, as it’s now a taxi instead. whatever’s the case, their presence up theremakes us wonder if mario might be able to get up there at some point too.
okay, but let’s get back to the matter ofit levitating--what’s up with that? well, we may have some idea. because as it levitates, sand pours off thesides--but only up from up to this point, indicating this whole section was buried underground. and check this out, what appears to be anentranceway is now exposed. now granted, we have no idea how you’llget up to it--but it’s a sign that you can go inside, whereas that entrance would havebeen buried before. and we know you can go inside the pyramidas nintendo even said as such--and they also revealed that the upside down pyramid is basedon the tokyo big site exhibition center in
japan--yeah, you can probably see the slightresemblance. alright, we’re finally almost done coveringthe desert--but there’s one more big mystery here-- what the heck’s going on in thisscene? we’re confident it’s connected to thedesert based on the ruins here, including the same face we pointed out before, as wellas the emerald design, and even that upside down pyramid decoration we noted before. so yeah, this has to be the desert--exceptthat background doesn’t look like any area we’ve seen before--even though we can makeout giant ice crystals among vague pyramid-like shapes.
but it doesn’t look like the outside--imean, we can’t even see the sky--plus there are ice crystals coming from what might bethe ceiling. so what is this place? well, one wild idea is that this might bewhat’s inside the pyramid and the background is a backdrop or illusion or something? although this area really does look like it’sunderground--so maybe after you enter the pyramid, it returns to the ground, allowingyou to exit via the same hole you entered and explore what’s under the surface? kind of like how we can see what might bethe tips of other pyramids peeking in through
the ceiling. hey, we’re just spitballing now unfortunately, we really don’t see toomuch of this area beyond a single walkway and a few torches. but there is a mysterious structure in themiddle here with a slit in it. could that maybe be where mario entered from,with it being capped after? either way, the camera’s movement here,combined with mario running directly down the center of the path suggests this is acutscene, and that there’s a big reveal waiting for mario at the end of the path--theboss maybe?
perhaps the dude we’ve been seeing on theruins walls? the area certainly looks pretty dramatic withall those torches. plus, if we freeze it at the very start, wecan see a blue circular arena awaits after dropping off the end of the path--so yeah,we’d say a boss fight’s pretty darn certain. and what’s that thing right there? is it a bullet bill launcher? alright, we’re finally done covering thedesert, which means we’re halfway done with the levels! and thankfully, the next two are a bit briefer.
so let’s go ahead and move on to mechanicalforest. and as it turns out, we may actually knowa name of it. because if we go back to new donk city, oneof the billboards shows the same iconic tower from this level, complete with a little robotin the corner, just above the word: kogwald--could that be the name of the level? we think kog may be a hint as to the mechanicalaspect of this level, and “wald†is actually german for forest--ergo, cog forest. now unfortunately, this level’s a bit harderto piece together compared to the other two so far, but come on, you know we won’t leta little thing like that get in the way!
so right off the bat, we get a look at thestarting point, with the airship in a dense forest with light shining in through the trees--butit’s not all forest here, as the ship is parked near a red structure here--and we’llbe seeing a lot more like that soon. now for whatever reason, the white birds hereseem to have taken quite a liking to the airship, showing that there’s some wildlife to befound here. those birds do seem to look pretty similarto the ones from 3d land. now if we look close, we can see 3 gold coinson top of a tree ahead, with a dirt path just barely visible leading to them from the airship. which we get a closer look at in this scenethat takes place just a short ways up the
path, based on the fact that the same 3 goldcoins are right there. which we’re pretty sure means mario willbe able to climb the trees here. but more importantly, we also meet some someinhabitants of this area being these robots--but why are they just spinning around helplessly? are they dysfunctional? we think they might be, because the screenon their faces is completely red--like an error message. whereas in another scene, we can see a robotseemingly working as intended, watering the plants--and its screen appears to be workingproperly, suggesting mario fixed it in some
way. could the boombox that mario’s rocking outto have something to do with? that’s just the power of music baby...butwe have another idea we’ll get to in a second. and by the way, we’re pretty sure the robotin this clip, is the 2nd one down the path from the airship. and we base that on two things--one, in thispicture nintendo released of the same robot, we can see what appears to be the path hereright in front of it. and secondly, do you see that steep hill withthe two trees behind it--yep, looks like the same hill and trees right here.
except this time, there’s no boom box, sois that an item mario can carry around, fixing the robots one at a time? furthermore, the lighting looks a lot brighterin the boom box scene--did something cause the fog to lift? well whatever’s going on, the robot's designappears to be based on the piantas from mario sunshine, even including the palm trees ontheir noggin. which is a little weird...were they builtby the piantas? there’s really nothing tropical about thisarea, so it doesn’t seem like their typical type of climate.
although maybe that’s why robots were builtin their stead? anyways, let’s go back to this scene realquick, because we can see another crazy cap store just ahead, seemingly built into thetree itself. unfortunately, we can’t make out too manydetails, but it does seem like there’s a door leading into the tree, with what mightbe another robot nearby. and the store’s placement, of course, continuesthe trend we’ve already pointed out of the crazy cap stores being found near the startof each level. anyways, the path continues to wind down pastthe store and continues off-screen--but before the scene ends, we can just barely see someof this level’s purple collectibles on top
of a tree. and those collectibles come in the shape ofcogs this time, as we can clearly see in this scene, which fits the mechanical theme ofthe level, including its potential name of kogwald. so could the cogs have something to do withthe robots? maybe that’s how you fix them? now unfortunately, we weren’t able to directlyconnect any other scenes to this starting area for sure--but there are a few othersthat appear to take place in a similarly forested portion of this level, such as this one withmario running away from a waterfall along
a creek. now there really isn’t too much to say herethat isn’t self-evident--i mean, there’s something glowing at the base of the waterfall--butwe have no idea what it is. then there seems to be another robot justright of the waterfall--though he doesn’t seem to be doing anything at all. is he powered off? beyond that, there’s not much else besidesall the trees--except there is one potentially odd thing here--what’s in the backgroundbehind the trees? the obvious answer is: a dark forest withmore trees...but is it really?
let’s take a look at another scene to bettershow what i mean. because here we can see a very similar background...exceptit looks as if it may be a lot closer...and has almost no depth. almost as if it were a wall with a paintedon backdrop. you can even see where the ground and thewall might meet. but we can’t say for sure of course--especiallysince we can see what might be a dirt trail there leading into the background. but there’s something else weird here too--didyou see that green thing poking out from behind the tree, before disappearing behind it?
what the heck is that? is it a plant? or the wing or tail of some kind of creature--likea dinosaur? who knows. but it does seem to be awfully close to thetree, perhaps lending credence to the idea that there’s not much room between the treeand the supposed wall. anyways, there’s nothing that concretelyties this creek scene to any other...except for perhaps one major thing. because the width of the creek here seemsto match-up with the width of the waterfall
in this clip. so we’re thinking that the creek flows downhill,before terminating at the pond here. we then see mario swim through the pond revealingthat it’s filled with fish, as well as a single green pipe. and interestingly, the pipe appears to runup the wall to who knows where. and speaking of pipes--you might have noticedthat the level’s started to get a lot more industrial looking, with red steel being foundall over the place--and we’ll see a lot more of it in the upcoming scenes. in this case, it forms a large platform overthe creek.
unfortunately, we can’t see too much ofwhat’s going on up there, except for the 4 ? blocks--but keep an eye on them, becausethey’re the exact same ? blocks as in this scene, including the same steel platform rightbehind them, which actually moves up and down based on the previous scene. in fact, there are a bunch of moving platformsup here--the one here, and 4 more behind it. there also appears to be a path around thebackside of them on the left. in addition, piranha plants can also be foundhere--except these ones are a bit different than usual, spitting purple gunk that splatterson the ground...is that pollution maybe? it reminded us of the polluted piranha inmario sunshine that spat out goop--which ties
in with the pianta robots. so is that goop poisonous or something, ormaybe it slows mario down if he tried to run through? at any rate, we see that mario can defeatthe piranha plant with a simple jump, which also instantly removes the goop surroundingthem but, it doesn’t seem to remove the goop they’ve already spat out, as the puddleit just made here seems to stick around. moving on, there’s this clip of mario long-jumpingoff a steel structure, just in front of the same red tower from the new donk city sign. but mario’s not long-jumping just for theheck of it--but because the platform he’s
on is collapsing underneath his weight. in fact, the girders leading up to the onehe lept from all look pretty shoddily built--are the uncharted developers making this gameor something? at any rate, we can also see a p-switch here,followed by 2 more after mario jumps. one on the platform he’s jumping to, anda 3rd on another platform back here, next to a glowing spot here that might mark a checkpoint--althoughwe can’t see it in enough detail to say so what do those p-switches do? it’s impossible to say for sure--but wethink we have an idea based on this scene that shows mario running along a path thatliterally grows in front of him, circling
the steel tower in the middle--yep, the samesteel tower from the previous clip. how do we know? because we can see the same glowing spot inthe background right next to the p-switch . and based on the path’s gentle downwardcurve, out guess is that it may have originated at the p-switch near the glowing spot--orif not that one, perhaps one of the others nearby. which makes sense, since p-switch’s areknown for activating things of a temporary nature, which this growing path very muchseems to be.
so could all the p-switches here spawn pathsthat temporarily connect the various structures? and speaking of structures, we can see a bunchmore in the background...but check this out. do you see that yellow block down there, infront of a pillar? yep, that’s actually the 4 question blocksfrom the previous scene with the piranha plants. and we can also see what appears to be a glisteningpond right in front of it--the same one that mario was swimming in! but we can now see there’s a grass coveredarea to the pond’s right that leads to more steel structures that mario will seeminglybe able to climb up to more trees. and taking a look at the other direction,it seems like mario might be able to use the
rising and lowering platforms near the ? blocksin order to climb up the very path he’s on now, via the p-switch. but where’s this path go anyway? well, it seems to be winding its way towarda hole in the middle of the tower. is that how mario reaches the top of the tower--orcloser to it? and speaking of the top of the tower, we cansee that’s exactly where mario will battle this rabbit boss. we can even see the same outer panels as inthis scene. oh, and the platform mario’s on here isthe same one we can just barely see from up
here--and there’s that beacon of light wementioned earlier too. now this does appears to be a major boss battlebased on the fact the entire perimeter is coursing with electricity, trapping marioinside. but we can at least see part of the path hetook to get here--and it seems he may have to cross the thin support beams below as partof it, based on the collectible purple cogs here. anyways, the rabbit attacks by spinning ina circle and spewing the same purple goo as the piranha plant’s earlier--so yeah, itseems to be a common theme of this level. and we’re guessing that goo’s going tomake it pretty tricky for mario to reach the
him--it’s a rather, hairy situation. unfortunately, the clip cuts away before wecan see too much of the battle. however, another scene reveals that that rabbit’snot working alone--as he’s part of a squad of 4 that even have their own airship too,which comes complete with its own face. it all seems a little similar to bowser’sairship doesn’t it--heck, the rabbits are even dressed similar to bowser. so are they his minions? or are they working alone? in either case, we have little doubt you’llbe battling all 4 of them.
but the question is, do you battle them acrossall the different levels, or all in the same level, being this forest since that’s theonly place we see them. now hold up--you might be thinking “butthis scene looks nothing like the forest clipsâ€--and you’re right. i mean, instead of trees, there are snowymountain peaks in the background. except for the fact, we can actually see thatexact mountainous background in the scene with the tower--and visible through the treelinein a few others. so that’s a bit of an odd contrast--butthat’s not all--because the entire level appears to be encased inside some kind ofdome, as we can see the supporting structure
in the background of a few difference scores,such as in the tower one and the rabbit’s ship clip. so yeah, this is getting weird. so is this some kind of biodome, created soa forest can exist in an otherwise cold and harsh environment? and are those mountains the rabbit’s nativehabitat? their white fur & ship sure do match thosemountains. now we did entertained the possibility thatthe mountains could be a projection on the dome’s interior, but we can clearly seethem move independently of the structure of
this scene, confirming that they’re realand outside the dome. so we’re just about done covering the forest,except there are two more scene we haven’t talked much about yet. first up is this one, where mario catchesa ride on a growing beanstalk--unfortunately, that is literally all that we have to go offof. we don’t know what caused it to grow--orwhere it’s even going. all we know is that it seems to take placesomewhere deep in the forest. and then we have this scene, where two plant-basedenemies go through a sudden growth spurt and extend upward significantly.
but did you notice their headgear appearsto be an upside down flower pot? is it possible mario might be able to catcha ride on their noggins? beyond that, we can see it takes place nearsome red structures--we just haven’t been able to connect it to any other scenes inthe trailer. alright we’re finally done covering theforest, so let’s move on to the final level! don’t worry, i promise this one will bea hair quicker than the others. because as it turns out, it’s actually theone we see the least of...even though it might not quite seem like it at first. okay, so there’s two things that reallystand out about this level--it’s filled
with a ton weird looking food, including allkinds of vegetables, as well as shrimp and clams--and it’s found at the base of a volcano,which we see erupt in this scene. note its distinctive blue color, as partsof it can be seen in the background of most of the scenes--including the very first scenewith mario running toward it. and speaking of that volcano--we may justknow what it--and maybe this entire level is called. because if we go back to new donk city againas shown in this quick demonstration by nintendo, we can see a billboard with the same sky fromthis level and the words mt. volbono--which of course, sounds like volcano.
as for what exactly it means--well, we’renot entirely sure. of course, mt is short for mountain, and wethink volbono could possibly be a portmanteau of volcano and bono, which is italian for“goodâ€--possibly in reference to the food on display here. and speaking of food, this level is inhabitedby anthropomorphic silverware--or more specifically, forks. we can see 4 in this scene alone, here, here,here, and here. the handle is their face, the inner-tinestheir legs, and the other tines are they arms. and they’re all wearing chef hats--so itseems the forks have cut out the middleman
and are the culinary experts themselves--andthey’re in the right place as there’s food everywhere. except that food isn’t very appetizing lookingis it? it’s all blocky, or polygonal--like somethingfrom an early 3d game. is it just an art style choice, or does ithave a deeper meaning? like is the food possibly virtual? and it’s not just the food--but the environmenttoo. the volcano in the background is just as blocky. but in contrast, all of the npcs like theforks and the enemies all appear to be normal.
so we have no idea what’s going on. anyways, besides the forks, we can see robotas well, which we get a better look at in this scene where mario turns the corner. it looks a little like rob the robot doesn’tit? c moving on, mario passes more forks--but they’rehuddled in a group and appear to be looking down--as if they’re sad or depressed--especiallythis poor guy. aww, now it’s making me sad! we’re not sure what they’re upset about...maybethe food situation?
and are they just huddled together for comfort,or are they looking at something in the ground? there doesn’t appear to be anything there,but maybe there used to be? could that rabbit up there have somethingto do with it? we get a close-up look at him in that samelocation in this scene--but he runs away as mario gets close. does mario need to chase him down, or is heleading him somewhere? now chasing rabbits is nothing new for the3d mario games--so we can’t help but wonder if his placement here, in a world full oflow-polygon objects, isn’t an intentional callback to the rabbit’s first appearancein super mario 64.
at any rate, mario’s also carrying a turnip,something that he could do back in super mario bros. 2--he’s even carrying it in the exactsame way, above his head. so we wouldn’t be surprised if he can throwit too, like in the original game--maybe that’s how he can stop that rabbit! but hold up--that turnup looks...normal! it’s perfectly round unlike all the otherfood in the level, including more turnips we can see in the background right there. so why’s this one normal while the othersaren’t! did mario just find it this way?
or is there some way to convert the food frompolygonal form to normal form--maybe via the robot? hey, we’re just speculating. now although we see mario jumping along thefood itself, we can see a staircase built into the volcano-side here. and check this out--we get our first realglimpse at this level’s version of the purple collectible. but unfortunately, this is the best look weget at it. which means it’s impossible to say for surewhat it is, but it looks like it’s a round--but
in a polygonal way. could it be a grape, or some other kind ofround fruit-shaped collectible? now there’s something else worth pointingout here--the structure right here, which appears to have a door leading into it. but it’s otherwise pretty well obscured--imean, if we go back to the first scene--can you find it? there’s the rabbit for reference. still can’t see it? well we can just barely see it right there.
and can see a similar structure over hereto the right, which we get a better look at in this scene, which also has a door. but what are those buildings anyway? those columns do look a bit greekish--likethe columns in aladdin that held up food. and what could be inside these buildings? could one of them maybe be the crazy cap store? although there don’t seem to be any signsfor it in either case, so maybe not. also, we can also just barely see anotherpurple collectible spinning right here. alright, now let’s go ahead and move onto another scene that appears to show a different
part of the level. this one features the return of two more classicmario enemies, being a pair of spineys as well as a hammer bro...or should we say skilletbrother, since he’s throwing frying pans, which shatter upon impact. also, he’s wearing a chef hat continuingthe cooking theme. and between him and the forks, we can’thelp but wonder if a chef hat might be a hat that mario can wear for himself here. there’s also a trio of ? blocks here--aswell as two giant blocks of cheese that look as if they’ll form platforms for mario toclimb.
now in the background, we can see a blue cauldron--whichis the exact same one we see in this next scene where mario gets burned by the soupinside--silly mario. now we can clearly see chunks of food withinthe soup--so maybe mario will have to add his own ingredients to it, which might bewhy he was carrying that turnip earlier. but we’ll have more on the cauldron in abit. for now, let’s look toward the background,because we can just barely see the tip of mario’s airship, making that the start ofthe level. and it looks like he’ll have to cross overthe salt covered platforms in order to reach the mainland, meaning this cauldron is likelyone of the first things mario will come across.
and by the way, do you see the pillars behindthe cauldron there? well, if we go back to this scene with therobot, we can see what might be a couple of those same pillars right there, potentiallymaking the two locations rather close. but of course, we can’t be certain they’rethe exact same pillars and they could be two different areas entirely. alright, we only have a couple of scenes leftto get through! so let’s go ahead and talk about this sceneof the erupting volcano, which sends a cauldron flying into the air, as well as what mightbe some of those purple collectible. so is that the same cauldron as the one wejust saw?
we’re guessing not, because based on thispicture, it seems to be much, much larger. but that doesn’t mean the two aren’t related--likewhat if you have to transfer the contents from the smaller one to the bigger one? but why would you want to do that?well, wehave one idea--because the first smaller cauldron is blue, indicating it might be cooler, whereasthe second one is red, indicating it’s much hotter--which makes sense since it’s ona freaking volcano. so maybe in order to finish the soup, you’llneed the help of the volcano to crank up the temperature. but how do you get the soup up there?
well, we think it may possibly be relatedto this giant bird, which we know exists in this same level based on the identical skybackground. and it's carrying a giant loaf of bread--forwhat purpose we have no clue. but based on the fact it can carry things,maybe mario can use it to carry ingredients or the contents of smaller cauldron to thebigger one? now even though that’s the only scene wherewe see the bird, it may not be the only one involving it--as we’re pretty sure its giantwingspan is what’s causing the wind storm here, requiring mario to hold onto his cap--whichagain, we can tell is in this same level by the identical sky background.
so could this possibly be the opening of aboss fight with it? or maybe the bird’s just coming in for alanding--or taking off? although there is one final detail with it--asit’s flying away here, we can see its eyes are spinning around, as if it’s in a dazefrom being attacked--so is this part of the boss battle? phew, we’re finally freaking done coveringall the levels in depth! but we’re not quite done yet with the analysisyet, because there are a few final things to cover. such as the bowser encounter!
and my, isn’t bowser looking rather dapper. and based on the unique sky, this scene doesn’tappear to be a part of any of the existing anyways, the entire crew’s here. with mario, bowser, and peach, checking infrom atop what has to be bowser’s airship--complete with cannons on the side. and while it looks nice overall, we can seesome rust here, which is an oddly realistic detail. now as we’ve come to expect by now, bowseris of course wearing a hat--but this one’s lined with spikes--and that’s apparentlyfor good reason, as he can seemingly throw
his hat like a weapon, oddjob-style--whichwe’re guessing mario evades since we can see mario’s just fine in this next scene,whereas bowser’s hat is still missing. except, the camera angle appears to be fromthe hat’s perspective, as it flies into mario, seemingly knocking him off the airship--which might explain why peach yells out toward him. but there’s another bowser scene which mightbe part of this same sequence, where he stomps mario’s hat. so did mario’s hat fly off after being hitby bowser’s oddjob attack? and could that explain why mario’s mysteriouslymissing his hat in this screenshot, before
he lands in the desert? who knows! alright, moving on, there are some peculiarconnections on a more macro level that might reveal a bit more about the game..such ashow many levels are there in total. because we only see 4 in the trailer...notcounting the bowser scene. but there has to be more, right?! our gut reaction is yes...but we’re notso sure the evidence--or lack thereof--backs it up. consider this: new donk city has ads for all3 of the other levels that we see.
and that’s it--there are no ads that teaseany other levels at all. of course, it’s possible they were intentionallyhidden from the trailer--or that nintendo intentionally chose to only show the levelsthat new donk city teased...but we can’t help but wonder if that might be it. these levels do appear to be pretty big afterall--maybe nintendo's taking a quality over quantity approach. and on top of it all, if you do fight oneof those rabbits in each world--well, there are four of them. but having only 4 worlds in a mario game isunheard of right?!
except...it’s not, as super mario land forthe game boy only had 4 worlds too...and what do you know, that was also a game that wasloosely based on real world locations, including egypt. hmmm. now it’s entirely possible this is all coincidental,but we can’t help but wonder if there might be more to the mario land connection--likecould the alien invader tatanga be involved somehow? maybe he’s responsible for the upside downpyramid! okay that one’s probably a huge stretch--butin a game as wild looking as this, you never
know. beyond that, there’s another interestingconnection between some of the levels--and that’s how darn prominent the moon is. we can see it in the backgrounds of both newdonk city and the desert--both during the day and at night--as well as during this transitionalscene. heck, it’s even in new donk city’s logo. but here’s where it gets weird, becausethe moon is portrayed differently depending on the level and time of day. in new donk city, it’s a waxing crescentmoon by day, and a full moon by night.
and in the desert, it seems to be a waxinggibbous by day, and a waxing crescent again by night. and this transitional scene shows yet anotherportion of the cycle, being the first quarter. but, in real-life, the lunar phase doesn’tchange that dramatically overnight--in fact, waxing crescent is nearly on the oppositeside of the spectrum from a full moon. so is this just a stylistic choice--or couldit maybe suggest some kind of time-based element is in the game. it’s cool either way--but we wonder if ithints at something deeper, such as indicating that a significant chunk of time has passedbetween the day and night scenes in each level?
and beyond that, what if the lunar phase changesdynamically throughout the game--as in, it gradually over time, regardless of which levelyou’re in? if that’s the case, we might be able touse the lunar phase to figure out a rough chronological order of events. so since we’re pretty sure the game beginsin new donk city during the day, that would make the waxing crescent the starting pointof the lunar cycle for our purposes. which would be followed by the waxing gibbousin the desert during the day, then the full moon of new donk city at night, followed bythe full quarter moon of the transition scene, before ending back up at the waxing crescent,but this time in the desert at night.
but again, we have no idea if the game actuallywill go that in-depth. so let’s assume there isn’t a true time-systemin the game--in that case, would that quarter moon in the transition scene possibly be hintingat a 5th level, since we don’t see that phase in any of the other levels? although it should be noted that it couldalso be a part of the forest or volcano levels since we don’t actually see the moon thereat all. and finally, we have to ask...with all theattention the moon’s been given, what if mario can actually visit the moon? that would be pretty wild right?
hey, he did it back in super mario land 2--sowhy not now? and to build onto that theory--could thoserabbits have anything to do with it? after all, asian folklore does have somethingknown as moon rabbits--as in, rabbits that live on the moon. could that be where these guys are from? and to get even crazier--what if we were wrongearlier about the mountains actually existing, and the reason this level’s in a dome isbecause this actually is the moon! alright, we might be getting a bit carriedaway--but i’m certain there’s more to that moon than it seems.
finally, while we’re on the topic of rabbits,i feel like we’re obligated to mention the recent reddit theory from user lucamegh thata magic rabbit might be what’s living in the evidence he puts forth is that the redeyes on the hat match the red eyes of the rabbit enemies here--making the rabbit thesource of mario’s new hat abilities. and of course, magic tricks have had longhad a history of rabbits appearing from out of hats--specifically, top hats--much likemario’s ship. and that ship does appear to run on magicas we mentioned earlier. something to think about! and with that, we’re finally done coveringeverything we could dig up on super mario
odyssey. but as always, let us know if we missed anythingby posting in the comments below. thanks for watching and make sure to hit thatsubscribe button for more on super mario odyssey, the switch, and everything else gaming too.
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