Legitimate Work From Home Jobs As Seen On Tv

• from emails in nigeria to using you asa middle man with crime-procured bank funds, we count 15 sneaky, often devastating scamswe'll commonly find browsing the internet 15 - computer cleaning software,• we all remember the early days of the internet - browsing websites honestly, emailingfriends, downloading 30 second porn clips from dodgy websites, the good old days• then you get a pop-up, your computer has been infected with a virus, oh no! but it'salright, just download this shifty looking .exe file and it'll clean your computer• yeah, it'll clean it alright, it'll clean the absolute living fuck out of it until nothingremains but a pile of electrified ash 14 - online pharmacies,• this is assuming you've already seen a

doctor, and he's prescribed some outrageouslyexpensive medication so, the thrifty devil you are, you instead opt to buy the drugsonline • in some countries the rules surroundingonline medication are weak, so you'll get a bargain but what will be delivered are expiredmeds, or just plain sugar pills, maybe even the wrong medication or a tub of deliciouspoison • always recommended to consult your doctorabout what websites are legit 13 - scams on gumtree/craigslist,• this one is sneaky - you'll find a post for this unbelievably well-priced apartmentsituated inside the white house, and the poster asks for money up-front, then you pay himand two years later you realise, whoops, maybe

there was no posting to live in the whitehouse • it can work the other way round too - you'rea landlord looking for a would-be renter, one you find who sends a check with way moremoney than you were expecting • so you send back the excess cash but,oh wait, the initial check bounced, and you've just given a stranger thousands of dollarscash • well done12 - money laundering, • this one is very much real and yet verymuch dodgy - basically, you get asked by a legitimate-looking company to let them useyour bank account to received customer funds, then, you get a small cut of the income withouteven doing anything

• now, while this is indeed true, the realityis you're getting a wave of crime-procured money delivered directly to you, thus, leadingthe police directly to you • this is laundering 101, using a middleman, you, as a body shield against law enforcement 11 - lottery scams,• we all get these things in our mailbox constantly - congratulations, you've won 7million dollars in the idiot sweepstake, and now all you have to do is wire several thousanddollars to us in order to get the millions to you• so, naturally, you're all like, oh golly, i'ma rich sonova bitch, take all my money• then watch with awe as your bank account empties and millions of dollars suddenly failto appear

10 - anti-ageing products,• this one is just sad, a way to exploit elderly folk who might be new to the internetand constantly yearning to get their youth back• alternative medicine websites are all too often finding targets, and perfectly willingto send a whole tub of snake oil in exchange for a few big pennies• so if you ever see a pop-up with a before-and-after image of an old crippled man turned into abody-builder - do think twice 9 - dead relative scam,• this is the internet equivalent of meeting that dodgy-looking guy at a train stationfilling you in on a sob story so you'll pass him fifty cents for a pack of cigarettes - buton a much grander scale

• a relative you had no idea about has passedaway in africa, oh noes! but they were a multi-millionare and left you a grand inheritance because youwere their favourite nephew-uncle-penpal-friend-something • all you gotta do is pay a little for thegrieving family and the money will come to you - surely8 - free trial software, • you know those times you really need thisone desktop gadget so that a sparkling donkey will run around your wallpaper giving youphilosophical tips while you browse motherless.com? • but then, the software is only a trial,the donkey temporary, but so long as you put in your credit card details it'll be fine-except, no, it'll automatically bill you every month because you didn't read the installerfine-print

• good luck explaining the donkey thingto your bank when you've lost thousands of dollars7 - fake government websites, • these are easy ones to avoid, but devastatingif you don't • fake government sites will offer grants,visas, passports and birth certificates just like the real sites, but these fake siteswill ask you to pay a fee • and not a small fee mind you - a heftyone, and since a good chunk of society use these sites for personal information, it'sa treasure trove for criminals • but so long as you're on a .gov website,and so long as your computer is free of viruses, you should be fine6 - pet delivery scam,

• this one exploits your fascination withadorable little animals • in particular the global pet deliveryor global animal agency companies - all they do is wait for your enquiry about a gorgeousround-eyed puppy photo, then send you back a lot of sleight-of-hand questions with theinevitable "we need money for transport reasons" slipped in the middle• bit of a scumbag move, honestly 5 - work from home,• i know from experience that working from home is the greatest thing ever: your ownroutine, no need to get up early, access to all your home equipment 24/7 - it's a goodlife • conmen know this, know how desperate officemonkeys are to get the easy life, so website

pop-ups will promise you the opportunity towork from home using a few secrets • ones you'll need to purchase simply toread, and often times don't exist • and i'm here to say if you really wantto work from home - you need to find those secrets out for yourself, not pay cash tosome dodgy website 4 - facebook scams,• the amount of facebook scams seem to warrant an entirely separate video detailing them,but i'll sum up the main concerns here • more often than not, the problem withemail scams is that they came from some random person and barely get read• but when your relatives account gets hacked and nobody knows it, when they post a linkto some phishing scam a good chunk of their

family will unknowingly click it• it's a problem that continues to this day3 - charity scams, • when a disaster happens, be it naturalor man-made, most of us feel compared to help out wherever we can• scammers are well aware of this sudden spike in donations to a specific cause, andso they set up a dummy website designed as their own personal cash flow from gullibleor oblivious donaters • like with a lot of items on this list,it's especially sickening when a tragedy has happened and people out there would take advantageof all trying to help their fellow man 2 - weight loss scams,• you all know the cliche: "i lost 30 kilos

in two weeks and so can you!" when in realitythey didn't lose shit and in fact you're about to lose the contents of your bank account• most of them rely on myths and herbal alternatives with no basis in fact, but there'san equal number simply there to take your credit card details and rob you1 - nigerian scams, • we've all had one of these in the emailjunk box from time-to-time, but it's always the one people fall for most, and some oftheir methods are quite intelligent • i myself bought an item on ebay a whileback only for the buyer to come along and say, would you mind sending it to my friendin england instead - so i said, sure, so long as they pay for shipping it shouldn't be aproblem, and they even asked me to check the

prices at the post office, which i did• then they said, well, actually, he'll be making a trip to nigeria soon so couldyou please mail it there - and that's when i caught on, i realised they'd tried to stringme along and wear me down until i said, welp, might aswell send it there instead• but since nigeria has a scam stigma now, not as many people fall for it - but the riskis always there


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