Club Penguin Money Maker 50000 Coins Online

*intro music* *dramatic music* matt: what is up everybody? matt: uh, we're- we're playing one of our favourite games of all time today. matt: -and that is, uh, club penguin. ryan: yeah, i actually used to be- like before disney got to it and everything ryan: -it's a surprise actually- matt: "before disney got to it." ryan: *laughs* yeah.

ryan: but, uh, i actually used to be a member, ryan: like a paid member to club penguin. (matt: oh, no you didn't, ryan!) ryan: a long- a long time ago, yeah. matt: wow, i- i--ryan: when i was like a k- a child. matt: wow, that's great.ryan: and not a man child like i am today. matt: so let's create our penguin, ryan. who're we gonna play? matt: *mumbling* wh-who-wha-what're we gonna do- gonna be- um matt: "you can enter 4 to 12 letters, numbers or spaces," matt: "-and please don't use your real name or email address, alright?" ryan: uh, afghanistan.

matt: okay.ryan: do you know how to spell afghanistan? matt: it's af- matt: is that how you spell afghanistan?ryan: i- i don't know, i was just asking you. ryan: i wasn't trying to call you out. matt: yeah, i was right. matt and ryan: okay, okay. matt: aw, but that's already taken! matt: we can- dude, look at the suggestions it has. matt: "afghanistan 1, afghanistan 9, afghanistan 4."

ryan: uh... ryan: afghanistan 9. matt: okay, afghanistan 9. ryan: *laughter* matt: alright, your- your parent's e-mail. matt: well- matt: if they're- if they're askin' for it, might as well. matt: alright so we got dale's e-mail in there.*ryan uncontrollably laughing* matt: alright, now-

ryan: is that his actual e-mail address? matt: that's dale's actual e-mail address. *more laughter from ryan* matt: alright, who- what colour do you want to be, dude? matt: look at all these great colours! ryan: umm... matt: ooh, red. i like red. ryan: i- i kind of want to go with yellow. matt: yellow? okay, dude. matt: dude, we can go with yellow, okay?

ryan: let's create our penguin! ryan: let's do it! ryan: oh boy. matt: okay... well... matt: oh shit. ryan: god dammit. matt: "please activate your penguin account so your child can play." ryan: *giggling* can you call dale real quick? matt: *on screen**ryan's laughter*

matt: alright my dad gave us the password to his e-mail. we've gotten in, we've activated our child's- matt: our-- "your child's penguin." matt: and my dad also said he's going to change his e-mail password after this. ryan: what!? matt: he doesn't trust ryan. ryan: how else am i supposed to contact ann? matt: ryan! matt: alright, we might as well sign my dad up for all these. matt: okay.

matt: activate... matt: alright! matt: let's activate this penguin dude! matt: here we go dude -- afghanistan9! ryan: limited play? matt: do you wanna- matt: do you wanna buy a membership real quick? ryan: *snickering* ryan: should we? how much is a membership?

matt: okay--ryan: click on unlimited play. matt: dude, we can create our own igloo and stuff! ryan: yeah! let's fucking do it! matt: let's fucking buy a membership real quick. ryan: for just one month. matt: yeah, just one month. ryan: okay.matt: okay, here we go... matt: oh. ryan: click continue.

matt: alright! so we got all our info- *laughs* matt: now-now, club penguin has our address (*ryan laughs*), your phone number, credit card number, and email. lets go! matt: dude! ryan: yeaah! matt: alright, afghanistan9 is a paid club penguin membership (*ryan laughs*) and we are about to jump in and plaaay. matt: alright, dude, logging in afghanistan9. ryan (impressed): oh shit.matt: oh shit, look at this. matt: "hey afghanistan9, welcome to club penguin. i'm a tour guide and this is my pet puffle. let's look around!" ryan: i forgot you could get pet puffles!matt: "there's always tons of stuff to do all over the games - play them to earn coins."

ryan: is that a fish tie?matt: yeah, it is! ryan: we gotta get a fish tie. matt: oh shit, dude, well coins- we gotta get coins 'cause they buy things like- like clothes, furniture, pets, and more. ryan: i already paid seven-ninety-whatever. matt: clothes shop, pet shop, igloo. because we have a paid membership, we can get to our- we got our own igloo, dude! ryan: yeess! let's visit our igloo! matt: alright. this is the- fuck yeah. "sweet. you found your own igloo. it's your very own place. matt: oh, we- we even got a reward! dude!ryan: what's the reward? matt: it's a table for two...okay, here we go. oh, that's right, point and click.

matt: alright, so there is afghanistan9 in our very own igloo. matt: let's go- let's go have a night out on the town. what do you say?ryan: yeah. ryan: uh oh.matt: oh shit, dude. collect our reward -- table for two. ryan: nice!matt: yes! matt: eh, let's go into the clothes shop. ryan: yeah! let's get some clothes. matt: oh dude, we got the "insta-hero" shirt!ryan: yes! matt: dude, the dance club-- (ryan: yeah!) fuck. can we- do you wanna go in the dance club? ryan: dude, let's try to find a girlfriend!matt: ryan, everyone on here is like...twelve.

ryan: what? matt: can i do dance moves?ryan: you can- can you put on a hat? matt: can i- let's... both: yeah! matt: yes!ryan: okaayy! matt: get out of here, i don't care about what song's playing.ryan: let's go- let's go get some clothes! ryan: then, we're gonna come back to the club--matt: and be fuckin' hot- hot as shit. ryan (amused): yeah.matt: how do i get out of this? ryan: click out of...i don't...the "x", the "x" right there above the penguin!matt: where is the "x"?

ryan: above the penguin!matt: oh... ryan: god..matt: where's the exit- wait, why is this so confusing? ryan: go- go there.matt: 'kay, that's the exit. here we go. both: oh, god dammit! matt: how do i buy things? it's so- it's so confusing. matt: "the treasure book"? what is this? matt: the fuck is this?!ryan: i don't want this... matt: i don't care about that.ryan: no, no, no. matt: "penguin style" -- here we go.ryan: is this...yeah.

ryan: okay, let's look.matt: okay, sick. let's see what we got here. ryan: ooh! that- that coat--matt: where? this one? ryan: it's 400 coins.matt: we can do it, dude. ryan: that looks sick.matt: let's buy it dude. yes! let's put it on! ryan: oh, yeah!matt: nice, there we go. ryan: we're lookin' nice.matt: yes, yes, yes! matt: let's, uh- let's chat with some cuties.ryan (laughing): yeah-- *ryan coughs*matt: eh, dude, i forgot. sorry, i'm forgetting. matt: oh, sick. here we go.

matt: fuck me. what the fuck? matt: why did it do that? matt: af-ghanistan-9. *sigh* matt: anyone want to come to my igloo? matt: wait, wait, wait, this person said, "come to my igloo." you wanna go?ryan: yeah, let's go to their igloo. matt: let's go party at their igloo. oh, sick, look at this place.ryan: oh, dude. matt: what the-- jesus christ.ryan: what the fuck? matt: that took a while to render. ryan: this person's loaded!

matt: anyone want to dance? *ryan giggles* ryan: that guy wants to. he's breaking down! matt: how-how do you even dance? is there like a...ryan: uhh... matt: where do you want to go, dude? you wanna..ryan: i want to- i want to...sled a little bit. matt: let's do some sledding, dude.ryan: what's this--is that a new outfit we got? matt: yeah, we got a new outfit.ryan: argh, it's not as good as our first. matt: it's a shitty outfit, dude.ryan: oh, get out of here! matt: "pick what you want to do next!" stop, i thought we already did the tutorial!

ryan: he's- he's way overdressed. matt: "click the door to go into the pet shop!" okay. matt: let's go.ryan: not the mall, the pet-- *sigh* matt: oh shit, i thought- i thought that was the-- matt: what a bunch of shit.ryan: no, the thing that says "pet shop" above it? matt: yeah.ryan: that's the-- that's the *giggles* matt: "awesome. you found the pet shop." thanks. ryan: oh, that dog one!matt: you know that costs money, dude. ryan: how much?

matt: 800. we don't have 800! we have 100! matt: "earn coins by playing games." matt: do you want to- you want to buy it with a credit card?ryan: let's see how- let's see- let's... matt: what games are we gonna play?ryan: ah, there's so many! matt: get out of here, you fucker!ryan: god dammit, reggie. matt: stop. get- go.ryan: reggie, go away! matt: i'm done. matt: alright, which, uh-- what do you want to play, dude? surfing?ryan: surfing. matt: surfing? alright, dude. let's catch come waves.

ryan: how do we- how do we play?matt: i think i have to go to the- yeah, let's go surfing. here we go. matt: this game is just a convoluted clusterfuck (*ryan laughs*) of just, like, things- it's just a convoluted clusterfluck-fuck flash game. matt: fuck. ryan: uh oh, what's goin' on here?matt: oh. we're-- matt: uh oh, oh shit. how do you play?ryan: uh.. matt: oh, he follows my mouse? okay. ryan: so, what do you try not to hit?matt: umm... matt: i don't know. it might just--ryan: uh oh. oh, you try to balance. matt: oh, i see.

ryan: that's pretty easy.matt: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-- oh shit. no, wait. *ryan's sound of distress* matt: how do i get out of it?! what do i do?ryan: i don't know, i don't know! matt: what am i supposed to do?!ryan: i don't know! matt: it's closing in on me. matt: what do i-- matt: is there a- is there a way to-- oh. okay. matt: well, i died.ryan: ah, poor thing. matt: ah, shit. i'm alright, then.ryan: oh-- *chuckle* matt: ryan--ryan: *as blue penguin* no, you're doin' this again.

ryan: *as afghanistan9* no, please! matt: can i go up at the top? yeah, i can.ryan: is there a way to go faster? matt: oh. okay.*ryan giggles* matt: you already know that in the comments, it's going to be filled with people like, "no, what you need to do is--" *ryan giggles*matt: people that actually play club penguin that are telling us how to-- ryan: a majority of our fans actually play club penguin. matt: right? matt: oh shit, here we go, dude. oh fuck, i am--ryan: is it- is it the more gnarly you are- oh, you may need to jump up a little bit? matt: holy shit.ryan: oh yeah!

ryan: and that's how you keep up--matt: oh. *both snicker*matt: well, goddammit. ryan: another- another game. matt: i have made 0 coins off of that. i don't know what to do. matt: stop it. "you earned 0 coins!"ryan: fuck off. ryan: oh, th- th- the ring one. the ring one on the mountain. where you dodge the shit. ryan: it's a race, isn't it? matt: sled racing, yes! i remember this game, 'cause i totally used to play club penguin. ryan: join the sled race.matt: let's join the sled race, dude.

matt: we're playing with "p326315523"...?ryan: what is that? matt: i don't know. matt: couldn't you see, like, russia hiding their nuclear launch codes in, like, a game like club penguin? *ryan laughs*matt: 'cause no one would ever guess! ryan: every- someone go--matt: oh shit, what do you do? ryan: uh oh. ryan: yeah, you have to hit the bumps. matt: how do i- is it arrow keys?ryan: i think so. matt: oh, it's arrow keys.ryan: yeah.

matt: alright, afghanistan9 in the house.*ryan sucks in breath* matt: fuck.ryan: aw, no! matt: it's okay. ryan: aw, yeaah!matt: yeah, first place! ryan: fuck you kid. matt: you realize we're actually playing this against a child right now? *ryan giggles*matt: it's like, that's a kid just having fun and-- ryan: well, here's the thing. either this game is filled with children or forty-year-old men. which one? ryan: it's a polar opposite either way. it's not a mix of the two.

matt: wait, where do we stand on that spectrum? *both cough* ryan: so we actually- we can't buy coins? matt: can you really not buy coins? ryan: look up how to buy coins on club penguin. ryan: "how to get more than a million coins", dude. matt: holy shit.ryan: let's watch that shit. ryan: full screen.*electronic music* matt: let me just skip to...

matt: okay. what is this- what even is this? ryan: "you have to download it." ryan: oh, it's the coin generator thing. i remember. matt: okay, well, we're gonna- we're gonna just go back into the game. ryan: say, "got big screen tv." ryan: and candy, and candy. they like candy. matt: okay, yeah. matt: "a big screen tv and candy." that's awesome, dude. they're definitely gonna come. matt: come on, guys. say something.

"please." "walter." ryan: is anyone comin'?matt: let's see. let's see. matt: he wants to be your friend. add friend, add friend. ryan: yes!matt: we got a friend! ryan: yeah!matt: "sami249", yes! *ryan clears throat* matt: alright, we're just waiting for, uh, for the guests to arrive. ryan: waiting for our friend, sam.

matt: alright, this is what we're gonna do. matt: we're going to, uh, we're gonna do a little dance in the meantime...lemme just.. matt: alright, we're just, uh--ryan: invite the friend-- ryan: you can go into the friends list...on the right side. matt: show friends?ryan: yeah. matt: "online." matt: no, it's says "offline."ryan: aw, sam! matt: why'd you go offline, dude? matt: let's go make some more friends and then have a big party at our place, what do you say?

ryan: yeah. ryan: here we go. okay, there's so many people here. ryan: okay, now type this in. ryan: dude, concert in the lighthouse! matt: no! ryan: someone just said "concert in the lighthouse"!matt: do you want to go? ryan: yeah.matt: o-okay. wha- oh-- *audible breathing* ryan: is that a fucking ku klux klan member?!

matt: wh- yes.ryan (laughing): click on that person! matt: who? which one? ryan: this white dude, look at his outfit! matt: dude, he's in the fucking klan!*ryan giggles* matt: he just- he just accepted our friend request, too. matt: why does it say he's offline? matt: no- come over. let's see- i'm gonna ask him if he wants to come over to our place. matt: oh wait, he's moving now. "i do, i do!" he does! ryan: yes! yes! yes! yes!

matt: okay, i'm gonna say, "let's go." *audible breathing/wet sounds* ryan: go back to the town. that's where heard about that *hip* party at the lighthouse. i'm sure we can find (matt: dude--) about more stuff. matt: i just want people to come hang out at the igloo. that's all i want. ryan: okay, there's so many people here. matt: "anyone want to have some fun?" matt: ryan, this is boring. no one wants to come hang out at our place! ryan: dammit! we gotta build some street cred. matt: is there- is there, like, a reason people- people can just not come to my place? do they need to--ryan: i don't know.

matt: let's just add a bunch of people as friends. and then they'll come show up at my igloo, right?ryan: yeah. definitely. matt: okay, well... ryan (amused): two grown men... ryan: yeah, let's go check to see if--matt: anyone came, anyone showed up. ryan: let's go to their igloos.*matt gasps* matt: okay, i'm going to his place, then. goin' to your igloo.ryan: yeah. let's go check it out. ryan: argh, dude! ryan: go to- go to sammy's.matt: alright, sammy! 249! ryan: or sam249.matt: let's go to your igloo!

matt: oh shit! matt: oh, you fancy, huh?ryan: oh-- matt: he's not even here, dude.ryan: damn! matt: fuck it, dude. let's go ride some mine carts.ryan: yeah. matt: this is boring as shit. ryan: no one wanted to fucking...come to our igloo. matt: fuck that, dude. don't worry about it. ryan: do you have to stay balanced or something?matt: uh... ryan: no, you have to move out of the way. i remember.

matt: is it arrow keys? oh yeah, shit. matt: fuck! ryan: it gives you arrows beforehand, so... matt: alright, so, uhh...i guess... ryan: yeaahh.both: oof. matt: okay, so just- just turn...okay. ryan: you're doing really well.matt: thanks, dude. matt: fuck!ryan: no! ryan: what the fuck?matt: jesus christ!

ryan: how did that happen?matt: i don't know, dude. matt: dude, we got 9 coins.ryan: yes! matt: yes! *coughing and clearing of the throat* matt: where-- like, where is everyone? like, wh- wh- who up? matt: she's havin' a pool party, dude. (ryan: yeah!) let's go! ryan: what?! look at that thing!matt: holy shit, dude, look at this place! ryan: no, but look at what they're wearing! they're wearing a car! matt: this person is-- they're literally wearing a car!

*ryan coughs* both: uh oh. matt (laughing): ready?ryan: oh, dude! *both laughing* ryan: yes! *both coughing and dying* matt: this pool party is fucking awesome!ryan: yeah! ryan: this is incredible!matt: dude, this pool-- both: what?

matt: what? matt: i didn't-- ryan: 24 hours?! matt: no!ryan: oh, come on! matt: i was just expressing myself -- i was saying that the party was awesome. *ryan laughs* matt: what the fuck? ryan: dude, dale's not gonna like this. matt: aw, they're gonna send an email to dale, dude!

*ryan's derpy laugh*ryan: that would'a-- matt: they're gonna say you got ba- dude, he's gonna kill me!*ryan chuckles* matt: dude, my dad's gonna fucking kill me, ryan! ryan: they're gonna - they're gonna send like exactly what you typed in. matt: argh, shit, dude, we gotta get right with club penguin. they cannot send this email to my dad. matt: come on, come on... matt: okay, uh, online. matt: account?ryan: account. matt: i want to ask a question not listed here.

ryan: next. matt: "send us an em-- call us on the phone." *phone ringing* *on screen* matt: what the fuck?! matt: who has--ryan: fucking kidding me? matt: it's one in the morning. who has lunch at one in the fucking morning?ryan: bullshit, lunch. ryan: that's bullshit! matt: alright, so, we need to get in contact with them.

matt: and, since the american one -- it's not time to call, we're gonna try the russian one. matt: eight, eight... matt: zero-- we can just get roman to talk to them.*ryan laughs* ryan: nfkrz, we need your help. this is a call to action. matt: alright. matt: alright, this is our last resort. we have to send an email. ryan: remember, we gotta- we gotta sound like mature adults, here. matt: alright, guys. so, we-- we've typed a well thought out, um, email that we're going to send to club penguin regarding the ban. matt: we hope that that they will, um, look at it and appeal the ban within the next 24 hours so we can get back to playin'.

matt: so, thank you guys so much for watching. matt: lemme just, uh, send the email real quick.. matt: alright. uh, the email has been sent.ryan: good. matt: um, as soon as we find out a response, we'll let you guys know. matt: so, thank you for the support. matt: um, thank you so much for watching. matt: subscribe...if you want to. matt: um... *outro music*


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